Experience It Yourself: A Model for Active/Problem-Based Learning for All Classes
Participants will work through a PBL problem, exploring a variety of strategies to use in problem-based instruction.
Getting Started
Student-centered active or problem-based instruction is different from traditional teaching in many ways. This session will help participants to plan for course revisions, including how to introduce your students to these new instructional methods and how to orient students to group work.
Group Dynamics 101
Participants will learn effective strategies for forming groups, initiating group activities, and helping students work productively in their groups
Writing Effective Problem-Based Materials
Participants will learn to write materials suitable for a problem-based course. By the end of the session, participants will have a draft of a problem or case for their own course.
Assessment of Learning in Student-Centered Courses
Instructors need to examine how they assess student learning and how they grade students in an active learning, group-based course. Participants will learn a variety of methods for assessing higher-order thinking skills and group activities related to their own course goals.
Models for Problem-Based Learning in Small, Medium, and Large Classes
Participants will learn about a variety of models of problem-based instruction including when and how to use them.
Peer Facilitators in PBL Courses
This session will focus on the use of peer and near-peer facilitators in PBL courses. Participants will learn strategies for preparing facilitators as well as the benefits of using them.
First Week of Class
Orienting students to PBL in the first few days of a course can mean the difference between success and failure. Strategies to use in this important orientation will be explored by participants.
Orientation to the PBL Clearinghouse: An Electronic Peer-Reviewed Publication
Gain access to a variety of problems and resources for PBL in the undergraduate setting, and learn how to publish your own problems and articles. Conference presenters are encouraged to submit their papers to the Clearinghouse for publication.
Advanced Workshops
Advanced Problem Writing: Taking It to the Next Level
This session will focus on writing and refining problems for use in your PBL course. Participants will explore a variety of ways to find material to use in problems, to rewrite case studies as problems, revise problems, and write new ones.
Group Dynamics and Conflict Management
Participants will learn many of the strategies that help student groups work effectively. Approaches will be examined for minimizing situations of conflict and for resolving conflict when it does arise. Horror stories will be solicited for exploration.