A collection of tools to teach the inter-relations between:

Contents of Toolkit

Guide for Authors


What's New?

Environmentally Clean Organic Syntheses

This laboratory exercise has been designed for sophomore organic chemistry students who have already had some laboratory experience. The students are presented with an industrial scenario concerning a synthesis needed for commercial production of a desired organic chemical. They then as a team design and perform several reactions to determine the yields under standard conditions. In addition, the students are required to evaluate their results and come to a conclusion concerning which of two alternatives is an environmentally preferable solution to the presented problem.

As it is written, the exercise takes 2-3 three-hour lab periods to complete, and the students need additional time outside of class to confer and write their report. This experiment has been used in the University of Wisconsin-Parkside undergraduate laboratories by the author of the module, Prof. G. Lynn Carlson. Go to Synopsis


Risk Assessment

This unit is designed to give students some very general information about risk and the evaluation of risk. In a very general sense risk assessment is about what we are afraid of and why we are or afraid of it. Risk assessment or evaluation often points the way to what we might do about the potential risk or danger to manage it. A series of 17 overhead transparencies have been supplemented by the author, Dr. Michael A. Jayjock (Rohm and Haas) with background text to assist the lecturer.

This is the first of a series of modules on risk assessment designed to cover a range of student interests. This module could be used to introduce the topic in any class from general chemistry to graduate courses. Risk Listings


Author / Inventor

Understanding the difference between inventorship and authorship will prevent common misunderstandings which often confuse and annoy young industrial scientists. These misunderstandings can seriously interfere with the open and free collaboration (teamwork) needed for success in industry. This brief case history can be inserted into a synthetic organic or a biochemistry lecture to define the meaning of each term. It was written by the Director of Intellectual Property for Cephalon Inc., Dr. George Sausen. Link

Please let us know of your interest.

The purpose of CCRCAT is described in the Overview link above. Its intended subject matter is listed in the Table of Contents. If you are interested in helping students prepare for industrial careers, and think you might either use CCRCAT modules in your courses, or contribute new ones, please register here. Include in the comment field, or in a separate email, the topics you would be most interested in having modules for. Thank you for your help.





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