G. Lynn Carlson
Department of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
box 2000
Kenosha, WI 53141
The following exercise has been designed for sophomore organic chemistry students who have already had some laboratory experience. The students are presented with an industrial scenario concerning a synthesis needed for commercial production of a desired organic chemical. They then as a team design and perform several reactions to determine the yields under standard conditions. In addition, the students are required to evaluate their results and come to a conclusion concerning which of two alternatives is a better industrial solution to the presented problem. In this way, we hope to bridge some of the gaps between industry and academic study by giving an industrial background to a common undergraduate laboratory experiment. As it is written, the exercise takes 2-3 three-hour lab periods to complete, and the students need additional time outside of class to confer and write their report.
This experiment has been used in the University of Wisconsin-Parkside undergraduate laboratories as described. Some of the materials used are hazardous, and all materials and procedures require normal safe lab practices for successful outcomes. We have done our best to design and present a safe laboratory activity. However, the exercise should be undertaken entirely at your own risk; the author(s) accept no responsibility for the safety of the individuals carrying out the experiments described here. We disclaim any liability for injuries, losses, or other damages resulting from this experiment.
The module is presented as an html page. Use the .pdf presentations for overheads or handouts.