Preferred Format for Modules

Modules have only a few basic requirements:

Other types of modules, such as laboratory experiments, are welcomed. They should serve the functions discussed in the Overview page.

The mechanics

The modules may consist of charts (suitable for overhead transparencies) or a class handout, with sufficient notes to allow a lecturer to discuss the subject matter without additional reading. They may also consist only of notes for the lecturer.

Special formats, when required by the subject material, such as spread sheets, will be acceptable. Any material that can be downloaded by ftp can be used; however, pictures are discouraged. Although they display well on the Web, many users will not have access to the required printers. Line drawings, schematics, chemical structures, etc., can be used.

All or part of the module may be in a PC or Macintosh application such as Word, Word Perfect or Powerpoint. In such cases, an html document will be produced to allow Web viewing. (Web pages download only without formatting. Web pages will print, but without page breaks. These limitations prevent the easy use of .html code to produce a series of overhead charts.)

The editors will prepare material for the Web site. Authors are requested to submit material in electronic form on floppy disks, CDs or Zip disks (either PC or Mac).

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