Laid off UAW 1183 workers with a suggestion for the industry. Copyright 2009 Washington Post
Industrial Partnerships
A Message from Laid Off Auto Workers
In January of 2009, President-elect Barack Obama got a message while passing through Newark, DE. The people holding the signs in the picture in the header are members of UAW 1183. They had just been laid off work the month before, from the Damiler-Chrysler Newark Assembly plant, which can be seen to the left in this picture of the president and Vice-president on the train.
The closed plant made only SUVs, and now it seems that the workers had a better strategic sense of the correct production future for the company than did the management.
Mid-Atlantic Grid Interactive Cars Consortium - MAGICC (2007-2009)
A valuable industrial consortium, MAGICC, facilitated early demonstrations and planning for V2G and what we now call Grid Integrated Vehicles. Main consortium members included University of Delaware, Pepco Holdings, Inc. (and their subsidiary, Delmarva Power and Light), PJM, AC Propulsion, Comverge, and Atlantic County Utilities Authority. This effort was funded by DOE Office of Electricity and Pepco Holdings, with additional or prior support from Delawre Green Energy Fund, Delawre Economic Development Office and See the MAGICC brochure.
eV2g Commercialization
In September 2011, the University of Delaware and NRG Energy created a joint venture to commercialize grid integrated vehicles for grid services. This will combine UD patents and technical expertise with NRG's experience in energy markets and power plant operations. See the press release about this announcement. The photo at right shows officials of NRG and the University signing the partnership agreement, with State officials looking on. Photo credit:© 2011 University of Delaware
Auto Port Inc.
Photo credits: (C) 2010 University of Delaware
Auto Port Inc. is a high volume auto-conversion facility located in New Castle, DE that builds V2G capable vehicles. The picture above shows serial production of eBoxes at Auto Port. The smaller photo shows technology licensed from UD that makes these EVs “Grid Integrated Electric Vehicles.” Below is the ribbon-cutting for the 1st completed eBox.
Cutting the ribbon are Roy Kirchner (President, AutoPort), Jack A. Markell (Governor of Delaware), and Hallie Reese (VP of Safety and Strategic Services at Pepco Holdings, Inc.). Other company and state officials, and the assembly workers, are in the background. Inset shows the completed vehicle driving out past the cut ribbon. Photo credit: (C) 2009, University of Delaware.