1 mzlib/ a-signature
2 mzlib/ a-unit
3 mzlib/ async-channel
4 mzlib/ awk
5 mzlib/ class
6 mzlib/ class100
7 mzlib/ cm
8 mzlib/ cm-accomplice
9 mzlib/ cmdline
10 mzlib/ cml
11 mzlib/ compat
12 mzlib/ compile
13 mzlib/ contract
14 mzlib/ control
15 mzlib/ date
16 mzlib/ deflate
17 mzlib/ defmacro
18 mzlib/ etc
19 mzlib/ file
20 mzlib/ for
21 mzlib/ foreign
22 mzlib/ include
23 mzlib/ inflate
24 mzlib/ integer-set
25 mzlib/ kw
26 mzlib/ list
27 mzlib/ match
28 mzlib/ math
29 mzlib/ md5
30 mzlib/ os
31 mzlib/ pconvert
32 mzlib/ pconvert-prop
33 mzlib/ plt-match
34 mzlib/ port
35 mzlib/ pregexp
36 mzlib/ pretty
37 mzlib/ process
38 mzlib/ restart
39 mzlib/ runtime-path
40 mzlib/ sandbox
41 mzlib/ sendevent
42 mzlib/ serialize
43 mzlib/ shared
44 mzlib/ string
45 mzlib/ struct
46 mzlib/ stxparam
47 mzlib/ surrogate
48 mzlib/ tar
49 mzlib/ thread
50 mzlib/ trace
51 mzlib/ traceld
52 mzlib/ trait
53 mzlib/ transcr
54 mzlib/ unit
55 mzlib/ unit-exptime
56 mzlib/ unit200
57 mzlib/ unitsig200
58 mzlib/ zip
On this page:
Version: 4.0.2


 (require mzlib/compat)

The mzlib/compat library defines a number of procedures and syntactic forms that are commonly provided by other Scheme implementations. Most of the procedures are aliases for mzscheme procedures.

(=? n ...+)  boolean?

  n : number?

(<? n ...+)  boolean?

  n : real?

(>? n ...+)  boolean?

  n : real?

(<=? n ...+)  boolean?

  n : real?

(>=? n ...+)  boolean?

  n : real?

Same as =, <, etc.

(1+ n)  number?

  n : number?

(1- n)  number?

  n : number?

Same as add1 and sub1.

(gentmp [base])  symbol?

  base : (or/c string? symbol?) = "g"

Same as gensym.

(flush-output-port [o])  void?

  o : output-port? = (current-output-port)

Same as flush-output.

(real-time)  exact-integer?

Same as current-milliseconds.

(atom? v)  any

  v : any/c

Same as (not (pair? v)) (which does not actually imply an atomic value).

(define-structure (name-id field-id ...))

(define-structure (name-id field-id ...)

                  ((init-field-id init-expr) ...))

Like define-struct, except that the name-id is moved inside the parenthesis for fields. In addition, init-field-ids can be specified with automatic initial-value expression.

The init-field-ids do not have corresponding arguments for the make-name-id constructor. Instead, each init-field-id’s init-expr is evaluated to obtain the field’s value when the constructor is called. The field-ids are bound in init-exprs, but not other init-field-ids.


  > (define-structure (add left right) ([sum (+ left right)]))

  > (add-sum (make-add 3 6))


(getprop sym property [default])  any/c

  sym : symbol?

  property : symbol?

  default : any/c = #f

(putprop sym property value)  void?

  sym : symbol?

  property : symbol?

  value : any/c

The getprop function gets a property value associated with sym. The property argument names the property to be found. If the property is not found, default is returned.

The properties obtained with getprop are the ones installed with putprop.

(new-cafe [eval-handler])  any

  eval-handler : (any/c . -> . any) = #f

Emulates Chez Scheme’s new-cafe by installing eval-handler into the current-eval parameter while running read-eval-print. In addition, current-exit is set to escape from the call to new-cafe.