8 Editor Snip
(send an-editor-snip:decorated get-corner-bitmap)
Returns a bitmap that is drawn in the upper-right corner of this snip.
Returns the color used to draw the background part of the snip.
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c popup-menu%))
{ Returns a popup menu that is used when clicking on the top part of the snip. }
(send an-editor-snip:decorated get-position)
→ (symbols 'top-right 'left-top)
{ Returns the location of the image and the clickable region. The symbol 'top-right indicates top portion is clickable and icon on right. The symbol 'left-top means left portion is clickable and icon on top. }
(send an-editor-snip:decorated reset-min-sizes) → void?
{ Sets the minimum sizes based on the result of get-corner-bitmap. }
editor-snip:decorated-mixin : (class? . -> . class?) | ||
| ||
(send an-editor-snip:decorated get-corner-bitmap)
Returns #f.
(if (preferences:get 'framework:white-on-black?)
→ (or/c false/c (is-a?/c popup-menu%))
{ Returns #f. }
(send an-editor-snip:decorated get-position)
→ (symbols 'top-right 'left-top)
{ Returns 'top-right. }
superclass: (editor-snip:decorated-mixin editor-snip%) |
(new editor-snip:decorated% ...superclass-args...)
Invokes the super constructor with the keyword editor as a call to make-editor.
This method should return an instance of the class it is invoked in. If you create a subclass of this class, be sure to override this method and have it create instances of the subclass.
(send an-editor-snip:decorated make-editor)
Creates an editor to be used in this snip.
Uses the make-editor and make-snip methods to create a copy of this snip, as follows:
#lang (let ((snip (make-snip))) (send snip set-editor (send (get-editor) copy-self)) (send snip set-style (get-style)) snip)
editor-snip:decorated-snipclass% : class? |
superclass: snip-class% |
(send an-editor-snip:decorated-snipclass make-snip stream-in)
→ -editor-snip:decorated<%>
stream-in : (is-a?/c editor-stream-in%)
Returns an instance of editor-snip:decorated%.
(send an-editor-snip:decorated-snipclass read stream-in)
stream-in : (is-a?/c editor-stream-in%)
Calls make-snip to get an object and then invokes its editor<%>’s read-from-file method in order to read a snip from stream-in, eg:
(let ([snip (make-snip stream-in)])