1 Application
2 Autosave
3 Canvas
4 Color Model
5 Color Prefs
6 Color
7 Comment Box
8 Editor Snip
9 Editor
10 Exit
11 Finder
12 Frame
13 Group
14 GUI Utilities
15 Handler
16 Icon
17 Keymap
18 Menu
19 Mode
20 Number Snip
21 Panel
22 Pasteboard
23 Path Utils
24 Preferences
25 Preferences, Textual
26 Scheme
27 Text
28 Test
29 Version
On this page:
application: current-app-name
Version: 4.0.2


1 Application

(application:current-app-name)  string?

(application:current-app-name name)  void?

  name : string?

This is a parameter specifying the name of the current application. It is used in the help menu (see frame:standard-menus%) and in frame titles (see frame:editor%). The first case in the case-lambda returns the current name, and the second case in the case-lambda sets the name of the application to name.