1 Overview
2 Reference
Windowing Classes
Windowing Functions
Drawing Classes
Drawing Functions
Editor Classes
Editor Functions
WXME Decoding
3 Configuration
4 Dynamic Loading
On this page:

Inherited methods:

from menu-item-container<%>



Version: 4.0.2


popup-menu% : class?

  superclass: object%



A popup-menu% object is created without a parent. Dynamically display a popup-menu% with popup-menu in window<%> or popup-menu in editor-admin%.

A popup menu is not a control. A choice% control, however, displays a single value that the user selects from a popup menu. A choice% control’s popup menu is built into the control, and it is not accessible to the programmer.

(new popup-menu%


[title title]




[popdown-callback popdown-callback]




[demand-callback demand-callback]




[font font]])


  (is-a?/c popup-menu%)

  title : (or/c label-string? false/c) = #f






((is-a?/c popup-menu%) (is-a?/c control-event%)

 . -> . any)






(lambda (p e) (void))






((is-a?/c popup-menu%) . -> . any)






(lambda (p) (void))

  font : (is-a?/c font%) = normal-control-font

If title is not #f, it is used as a displayed title at the top of the popup menu.

If title contains &, it is handled specially, the same as for menu% titles. A popup menu mnemonic is not useful, but it is supported for consistency with other menu labels.

The popdown-callback procedure is invoked when a popup menu is dismissed. If the popup menu is dismissed without an item being selected, popdown-callback is given a control-event% object with the event type 'menu-popdown-none. If the popup menu is dismissed via an item selection, the item’s callback is invoked first, and then popdown-callback is given a control-event% object with the event type 'menu-popdown.

The demand-callback procedure is called by the default on-demand method with the object itself.

The font argument determines the font for the popup menu’s items.

(send a-popup-menu get-font)  (is-a?/c font%)

Returns the font used for the popup menu’s items, which is optionally supplied when a popup menu is created.

(send a-popup-menu get-popup-target)

  (or/c (is-a?/c window<%>) (is-a?/c editor<%>) false/c)

Returns the context in which the popup menu is currently displayed, or #f if it is not popped up in any window.

The context is set before the on-demand method is called, and it is not removed until after the popup-menu’s callback is invoked. (Consequently, it is also set while an item callback is invoked, if the user selected an item.)

(send a-popup-menu set-min-width width)  void?

  width : (integer-in 0 10000)

Sets the popup menu’s minimum width in pixels.