Protect and clean your computer

Protect and clean your computer

Do you use your computer to file your taxes? How about to do your banking? Ever purchase something online? All of these activities involve using, sharing, or storing sensitive information.

It is in your best interests to keep your computer secure. Keeping your applications up-to-date, using anti-virus software and turning on your computer's firewall all help keep your information private.

To keep your system secure, make sure you do the following:

You are responsible for making sure that any device you connect to the University network is properly protected.

Tips for protecting your devices

  • Password-protect your devices. You lock your house. Lock your devices, too.
  • Use anti-virus software. Scan your computer regularly to find and remove malware.
  • Keep everything current. Install updates to protect against the latest threats.
  • Keep an eye on your stuff. Don't leave your devices unattended in public places such as student centers, libraries, or dining areas.

Your responsibilities as a student

As a student at the University, you're responsible for protecting yourself, your information, and your devices as well as the University's IT resources as you use them.

  1. Use IT resources appropriately
  2. Take responsibility for your device's activity
  3. Protect and clean your computer
  4. Use strong and unique passwords
  5. Protect yourself from phishing and other fraud
  6. Understand copyright laws and file sharing
  7. Protect your online reputation
  8. Understand the consequences for violating the rules