August 4, 2019
Dear University of Delaware Community,
This weekend, two senseless mass shootings — one in El Paso, Texas, the other in Dayton, Ohio — claimed many innocent lives, left many more people injured and shattered the sense of peace and security of these communities. On behalf of the whole University of Delaware community, I want to express our condolences to all those affected by these tragedies.
While authorities continue to investigate the motives behind these acts and as information continues to develop, we are reminded of our society’s vulnerability to such hateful acts of violence. At times like these, strength of community united by compassion and values, such as those we hold close at the University of Delaware, become powerful sources of insight and resilience. We are also reminded about the importance of first responders, community connection, and the treatment and support of those impacted. As a University, we are privileged to welcome and respect people with unique backgrounds, perspectives and views, and we continually commit to the free and peaceful expression of ideas, both here on campus and throughout the world.
There is simply no place for the violence and hate that our nation has witnessed this weekend. These and other disturbing events can leave us anxious or fearful, even though they may happen far away. Please know that UD makes every effort to ensure a safe and secure campus, and many services are available to help you manage the stress that might arise in the wake of troubling incidents; these resources are listed below.
Together, we will continue to work toward a world that celebrates diversity, encourages civil discourse and ensures that all people can live and work in peace.
Dennis Assanis President |
Campus Security:
The UD Police Department takes multiple steps to prevent and respond to violent intruder incidents. All UDPD officers are certified in the FBI-endorsed Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response training. UDPD has produced a video on how to respond to an active shooter, and the Community Resources Unit conducts Active Shooter Training sessions. UDPD’s LiveSafe app includes several tools to help prevent and respond to crime on campus. Contact UD Police at 831-2222 for more information.
Assistance for Students:
RAs or Residence Hall Coordinators for students living in residence halls
Office of the Dean of Students for connection to on- and off-campus resources (you can call 302-831-8939 to schedule appointment or stop by Room 101 of Hullihen Hall)
Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS) for international students and scholars in need of support, open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (phone: 302-831-2115)
Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD) for students in need of support, open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., M-F (phone: 302-831-2141)
UD Helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (phone: 302-831-1001)
Student Diversity and Inclusion: Staff within these areas are prepared to speak to any students about their experience on this campus
Assistance for Employees:
HMS/Health Advocates provides UD-benefitted employees with counseling needs 24/7 (phone: 800-343-2186 – give the name: STATE OF DELAWARE. This password also applies to online access on the website)
On-campus counseling services with Cecily Sawyer-Harmon, who is available Wednesdays and Thursdays at the STAR Campus, 8:30am – 3:30pm (phone: 302-831-3987)