UD Fitness Home
UD Fitness Home

About Fitness
About Fitness
Current Schedule Registration Class Descriptions Policies & Procedures Cancellations

Fitness Class Eligibility

All faculty, full time students, staff, spouses, and alumni are eligible to participate in fitness programs.

Fitness Class Registration 

Fitness Passes can be purchased throughout the semester. Passes for the current session will go on sale as soon as previous session has ended. All transactions will take place at the cashier's window of CSB. You may pay by check, flex, cash, and wellness dollars (full-time employees receive $50 each fiscal year). 

Print out a REGISTRATION FORM, fill it out, sign it, and bring it to the cashier's window of CSB. If mailing in registration form please use the following address: University of Delaware, Cashier's Office - Recreation, 26 North College Avenue, Carpenter Sports Building, Newark, DE 19716.

The cashier's window is open 8 AM - 4PM Monday- Friday (for full service). Passes may be purchased with cash anytime CSB is open.

Passes are only good for the session printed on them. Some specialized classes may require specific registration due to the progressive nature of the activity. 

Specific Questions may be answered by calling 302-831-1582 or by email: address to ud-fitness@udel.edu
Variety Pass Prices (Summer 2007) June 4th - August 9th
Passes good for any class - first come first served.
  Student Employee
1 class pass $2 $4
3 class pass $6 $12
10 class pass $18 $36
20 class pass $32 $64
Unlimited $40 $80
Freshman Fitness Package $NA NA
*Weight Training for Women $16 $32
*Requires Specific Registration.    

Fitness Class Program Refund Policy

Refunds will only be given for medical reasons or in extreme cases.

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