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About Fitness
Registration Form
Choose the pass type and classification. Passes are good for any class on a first come, first serve basis.
Pass Type:

Print this form, complete it, and bring it to the Cashier window in Carpenter Sports Building with your payment. Cashier window hours are 8am - 8pm Monday - Thursday and 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Friday. Refunds will only be given for medical reasons or in extreme cases.


Employee ID:

Department: (if employee)

Agreement to participate: I understand that my participation in this activity involves risk of injury including, but not limited to musculoskeletal tears, sprains, fractures and breaks, heat disorders, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorder of heart beat and in rare cases heart attack, stroke, or death. I also recognize that there are other risks of injury, including serious disabling injuries that may arise due to my participation in this activity and that it is not possible to specifically list each and every injury. However, knowing the material risks, and reasonably anticipating that other injuries and even death are a possibility, I hereby expressly assume all of the delineated risks of injury, all other possible risks of injury and even risk of death, which could occur by reason of my participation. I agree to unconditionally waive and release the University of Delaware, their trustees and all of their agents, servants and employees from all claims and liability for any injuries I may sustain in connection with my participation in this activity, resulting from the ordinary negligence of the University of Delaware. By signing my name below, I certify that I have read, understand and enter into this agreement freely and voluntarily.
Office Use Only: check____ cash____ flex____ Wellness $ _____ Fitness Pass# _______

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