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School of Education

Course Requirements

EDUC 818: Educational Technology Foundations

This course focuses on discovering your foundations and articulating the educational technology standards and leadership goals that inform your design of an ed tech website that you submit as your final project at the end of the course. Thus, the course requirements revolve around you and the nature of the ed tech standards and leadership model you adopt.

Participants are expected to spend at least twelve hours per week studying books and articles in the educational technology knowledge base, practicing web design, and working on projects.

In the sidebar is a list of the specific assignments and how much they count toward your grade in the course. You can think of these assignments as consisting of three major parts. First is class participation. You create a goal statement and share it with your fellow classmates, with whom you communicate in the course discussion forum. The second major part of your grade is determined by a presentation that you make in class on an evening of your choosing. The rest of your grade is determined by your final project, which you submit at the end of the course.

Assignment #1: Goal Statement

Your first assignment is to state the reasons why you enrolled in this course and what you hope to accomplish by taking it. Please describe what the term "educational technology" means to you, and in that context, tell why you decided to take this course and state briefly what you hope to get out of it. If you have only a general idea right now, go ahead and describe your goals in general terms. If you have more specific goals in mind, please enumerate them. I will use this information to help advise you and guide you through the appropriate course materials.

Assignment #2: Weekly Discussion Forum

Every student in this class is required to participate actively in the course discussion forum. To enter the discussion forum, log on to the course and choose the Discussions option. One of the first messages you write in the forum should respond to the Welcome message in which classmates introduce yourselves to one another. The discussion forum is an excellent place to network with your fellow students and form teams in which you can work together to create your projects. During the course, two "graded discussions" will appear in your Canvas discussions menu. Follow this link to see the rubric that your instructor uses to grade your discussion posts. In order to earn all the points for the discussion assignment, you must be sure to:

Assignment #3: Presentation Topic

As an enriching part of the course, you (individually or with a partner) will be responsible for presenting one of these ed tech tools or environments (or one of your choice if approved by the instructor). New technologies become obsolete very quickly. The purpose of this activity is therefore twofold: First, it will enable you to enhance your skills by exploring a technology-enhanced learning environment or tool that you haven't seen before. Second, it will help you develop your skills as instructor / trainer / leader. If you are already proficient in using an ed tech tool you feel passionate about advocating for expanded use, you may propose presenting about a tool with which you have experience and you want to share how you use it as an example for your fellow classmates to consider emulating. As you prepare for making your presentation, here are some things you need to keep in mind:

In response to the Presentation Topic assignment, please indicate which ed tech tool or environment you would like to present, and give one or two preferred class dates when you would like to make your presentation. If you are taking the course online, you have the option of presenting remotely via the classroom videoconferencing stream, or you can come physically to class on the evening when you present.

Assignment #4: Presentation Delivery

This is where your instructor will grade the presentation of your chosen ed tech tool or environment. Your grade will be determined as follows:

When you respond to this presentation assignment, choose the option to submit your PowerPoint file or other form of presentation outline that you created when preparing your talk.

Assignment #5: Final Project Idea

Most students in this course create their final project as a website using freely available tools such as the New Google Sites, WordPress, or Wix. If you have never created a website, you may find it helpful working through these video tutorials about Creating Webs with New Google Sites. In submitting your final project idea, take these considerations into account:

Assignment #6: Final Project Submission

This is where you submit the HTTP web address of your final project for Dr. Hofstetter to review and grade. If you created your project with a learning management system, create a login for Dr. Hofstetter and when you click Submit Assignments to submit your project for a grade, submit the HTTP Web address of your project's login page along with login instructions explaining how Dr. Hofstetter should log on to your project. Note: If you are an Ed.D. doctoral candidate seeking administrative certification, you must make your project be the creation of a technology plan. See the rubric that Dr. Hofstetter uses to rate your technology plan for program assessment purposes.

Assignment #7: Course Evaluation

Your final assignment in this course is to evaluate it. Toward the end of the course, you will receive an email from the School of Education sent to your udel.edu email address. This email tells you when the course evaluation window is open. You must log on to the course evaluation system within this window of time. The Web address of the course evaluation system is www.udel.edu/course-evals. After you complete the course evaluation, your instructor will give you credit for completing it. The responses you give are completely anonymous. While your instructor will be able to see the ratings and comments, it is impossible for your instructor to identify the person who gave a certain rating or made a given comment. Once you complete the evaluation, your grade on this assignment will be an automatic A.

Assignment Policies