BUAD 301, Introduction to Marketing, Spring 1996

...well that's when I last taught BUAD 301!...I'm now teaching Marketing and the Internet, take a look!!
This syllabus includes the following sections:
Contact Information Course Objectives Required Text Information on experiments
News Group Grading Policy Group Project Paper
Course Schedule Class Notes Test Your Knowledge Return to Homepage

Contact Information

Instructor: Alex L. Brown
Telephone: (302) 831-4596
Office: 109 Purnell Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, or by appointment
E-mail: alex@udel.edu
WWW Homepage: http://www.udel.edu/alex/
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Course Objectives:

To develop the student's understanding of Marketing. To appreciate the importance of the separate marketing functions, the management of these functions, and how each function effects other functions within the marketing domain. The major functions are marketing management, marketing research, product planning, distribution channels, pricing and promotion. The course will emphasize consumer markets over business markets. It takes advantage of the internet to cover marketing issues.
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Recommended Text:

Marketing, by Berkowitz et al., Fourth Edition.
Demystifying the Internet
Wall Street Journal
Useful WWW links to complete class assignments.
Students are responsible for all assigned readings, as well as additional materials presented in class.
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Marketing Laboratory Experimentation:

Each student enrolled in Introduction to Marketing is required to acquire experience in marketing laboratory experimentation. This background gives you training in the basic process by which marketing, as a science, is created and provides you an opportunity to advance your knowledge in marketing. You may satisfy the research requirement either by: Policies and procedures for each option will be provided to you in class. A student who does not fulfill the requirement and has been performing at or above a C- must receive an Incomplete for the course. A student who has been performing below a C- cannot avoid receiving a bad grade for failing to fulfill the requirement.

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Cyberspace Information Learning Station

Cyberspace Information Learning Station (CILS) is an additional learning environment that will be used throughout the course of this semester to facilitate cooperative learning. It is an electronic news group that has been created for the exclusive use of students in BUAD 301. The news group address is udel.spring96.buad301-014

Demystifying the Internet gives you a thorough explanation of the use of news groups (as well as other Internet tools). CILS will serve as a medium for your marketing queries and discussion; timely information will be posted concerning the marketing experiments etc. 10% of your course grade has been allocated to your involvement in CILS and your completing assignments posted to CILS.
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Grading Policy:

Exam questions will be drawn from from class presentations and from class discussion. Each exam will consist of 50 multiple choice questions. The exams will not be cumulative. Return to Table of Contents

Group Project

The purpose of the group project is to apply your understanding of the marketing concepts that you will be exposed to in the class room. You will be assigned to a group, by February 20th. Your group will develop a marketing plan for a company that is introducing a new product or service into the marketplace. This product or service must be targeted at students and/or local residents, or group(s) with similar characteristics. Your group will consist of three to four members. To complete the assignment your group must do the following:

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Each student must write a 2 page paper relating topics discussed in the classroom to current events (an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal during the semester). You must complete the paper by Tuesday, April 30. This paper is to be posted to CILS. To complete the paper assignment you must post a one paragraph response to another student's paper posted to CILS. This must be completed by the last day of class.
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Course Schedule:*

Chapter 1, Marketing, A Focus on the Customer Class Notes
Chapter 2, Marketing in the Organization: An Overview Class Notes
Chapter 3, The Changing Marketing Environment Class Notes
Chapter 6, Consumer Behavior Class Notes
Chapter 9, Market Segmentation, Targeting Class Notes
Chapter 8, Collecting and Using Information Class Notes
Chapter 10, Relationship Marketing, IT, and Forecasting Class Notes
Chapter 11, Developing New Products Class Notes
Chapter 12, Managing the Product Class Notes
EXAM 1 Thursday, March 21

Chapter 15, Channels and Wholesaling Class Notes
Chapter 17, Retailing Class Notes
Chapter 18, Promotion Process, Sales Promotion and Publicity Class Notes
Chapter 19, Advertising Class Notes
Chapter 20, Personal Selling and Sales Management Class Notes
Chapter 13, Pricing: Relating Objectives to Revenues & Costs Class Notes
Chapter 14, Arriving at the Final Price Class Notes
Chapter 24, Marketing of Services Class Notes
Chapter 23, International Marketing**
The last three days of class will be used for group presentations. Class attendance is mandatory.
*Subject to change
**If time permits
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