UD Alert
UD Alert, the University of Delaware's primary emergency notification tool, implemented through the emergency notification vendor, Send Word Now, allows UD to send emergency messages within minutes. UD Alert is activated only during major emergencies, situations where there is an imminent danger to the safety and welfare of students, faculty and staff, or if a state of emergency is declared.
Notices are sent as voice messages (to local, cell or home phone numbers) and text messages (to cell phones or pagers). Students, faculty and staff are all encouraged to register to receive UD Alerts. Instructions are available below for students and faculty and staff.
You can update your emergency contact information at any time through UDSIS. The person you designate as your primary emergency contact will also receive notification if something happens to you and/or an emergency occurs on campus, so you need to keep their information current. Your emergency contacts will also receive notifications during emergency alert system tests.
See the UD Alert FAQ for additional information.
Updating your Personal Information for Students
- Go to the UD home page and log on to UDSIS.
- Go to the Personal Information section. If you have questions, click the help link directly under the Personal Information heading or call the Registrar's Office at 831-2131.
- In the Personal Information section, click Phone Numbers.
- Specify a permanent phone number (usually parent's home number), local or campus phone number and cell phone number. You must provide at least one phone number.
- During an emergency and emergency alert system tests the UD Alert system will call each number listed and text your cell phone. Make sure these numbers are accurate.
- Click Save.
- In the Personal Information section, click email Addresses.
- List any email addresses you use on a regular basis. Your University of Delaware email account is listed by default. email may also be used to contact you in an emergency, so make sure they are accurate.
- Click Save.
Update information for your Emergency Contact Information
- In the Personal Information section, click Emergency Contact.
- An emergency contact is someone the University will contact should something happen to YOU.
- Specify a home, business and/or cell phone number at a minimum for your emergency contact. Make sure one of the numbers is a 24-hour number, where the person can be reached quickly.
- You can list multiple emergency contacts, but one must be designated, via check mark, as your Primary Contact.
- The University will contact this person first. If no contact is made, calls will be placed to the others on your list one by one.
- (Contacts with names ending with (MC) also serve as an "If Missing" contact. Their information must be edited separately. See below.)
- Click Save.
"If Missing" Contacts
If the University receives notice you are missing, your missing person contact(s) may be the same as or different from your emergency contact(s). For more information, see the Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedures or Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008.
Update information for your "If Missing" Contact
- In the Personal Information section, click on Emergency Contact.
- Click the edit button next to the contact listed as Missing Contact.
- If you list one of your Emergency Contacts as an "If Missing" Contact, you need to separately update the Missing Contact information (name ending with (MC)).
- Click Save.
Add "If Missing" Contact information
- Click Add An Emergency Contact and choose the relationship Missing Contact.
- Specify a home, business and/or cell phone number at a minimum for your emergency contact. Make sure one of the numbers is a 24-hour number, where the person can be reached quickly.
- Click Save.
For additional questions on submitting your emergency contact information, please contact the Registrar's Office, (302) 831-2131, registrar@udel.edu
Faculty and Staff
Updating UD Alert Contact Information for Faculty and Staff
- Go to the UD Webforms page and log in.
- Use the HR Employee Demographic Data web form to update your contact information and/or your emergency contact’s name and phone number(s).
- Make sure one of your emergency contact's numbers is a 24-hour number, where the person can be reached quickly.
- Your chosen emergency contact person will be alerted in the event something happens to you and will receive UD Alerts.
The University suggests reviewing your contact information AT LEAST twice a year – in April for UD directory information and in November prior to W2 creation. You may use the web form at any time to make updates.
For additional questions on submitting emergency contact information, please contact Human Resources, (302) 831-2171, hrsystemsadmin@udel.edu.