CISC103, Fall 2007

lab08: JavaScript with Forms


JavaScript material from lab02,lab04,lab06

In lab02 you learned some basics of JavaScript. We saw the concepts of expressions, order of operations, assignments statements, variables, operators and operands, dot syntax (objects, methods and properties).

In lab04, how JavaScript could be included in a web page as an event handler, and how JavaScript can be extended by loading new function definitions (e.g. the new function dayOfWeek()).

In lab06, we saw several new things:

If you need a refresher on any of these concepts, review lab02, lab04 and lab06

HTML material from lab07

In lab07, we learned about DOCTYPEs, meta content-type tags, and HTML validation. You will need that understanding for this lab, so if you need to review lab07, do so before starting lab08.

Goals for lab08

In this lab, we'll:

Before doing this lab, you should have completed the following:

Detailed Instructions

Step 1: Create directories and copy files

Create a new subdirectory:

~/public_html/cisc103/lab08 for web content we create in this lab

There are no files to copy for this week's lab.

Step 2: Using the areaOfPizza.js function from lab06 on a web page

Last week we developed a function called areaOfPizza.js. This file should be in your ~/cisc103/lab06 directory. This week we are going to incorporate that function into an interactive web page.

Step 2a: cd to the right directory, and copy the areaOfPizza.js from your lab06 work

Make ~/cisc103/public_html/lab08 be your current working directory.

Then copy ~/cisc103/lab06/areaOfPizza.js into that directory.

(What are the Unix commands to do this? That would be a good exam question. Hmm...)

Step 2b: Create an HTML file with a form element

Create a file called pizzaCalc.html in the ~/public_html/cisc103/lab06/lab08 directory. You can use whatever method you prefer:

Inside the file:

Then, after the h1 element insert the following element:

<p>Enter Diameter of Pizza: <input type="text" size="10" name="diameter" id="diameter" /></p>
<p>The area of this pizza is: <input type="text" size="10" name="area" id="area" readonly="readonly"/></p>
<p><input type="button" value="Calculate" onclick="calculateAreaOfPizza()" /></p>

This places a form element in the page. It should look something like this when you are done:

Step 2c: Understanding what you have done

There are several things to understand inside this form element, and we'll cover some of them in lecture.

The most important one for you to understand before proceeding is this:
the purpose of the onclick attribute of the <input type="button"...> element.

A potentially confusing point

Note that the second <input .../> element—the one with id="area"—is really functioning as a place we are storing output ,i.e the result of our calculation.

This is confusing and unsatisfying, but we have to just live with it. It is an oddity of the way HTML names things. Many of the useful things you can put into an HTML form are called <input ... /> elements of one type or another, because they are usually used for input. Occasionally, we use one for output, and we have to just keep our heads on straight about the potential confusion that may arise.

Step 2d: Seeing what happens

In a later step in the lab, we'll need to define the calculateAreaOfPizza(); function so that when you press the button, something happens. This function will be used as the event handler for the button.

In the meantime, since it isn't defined yet, when you click the button nothing will happen—or at best, what will happen is that you'll get an error.

In Firefox, this error appears in the Error Console, which can be accessed from the Tools menu of Firefox. Familiarize yourself with the error console now, because you'll need it when working with JavaScript! Typically, you need to do four things when working with the error console:

  1. first click "clear" to get rid of the accumulated "old" errors in that window
  2. refresh the page with errors on it
  3. do whatever might cause an error (e.g. clicking a button with an undefined event handling function)
  4. look at the error console again

If you follow the four steps above with your HTML file as written so far, you should get something like this.

This indicates that calculateAreaOfPizza is not defined. So our next step will take care of that.

Step 2e: Adding a <script> element in the <head> to define the function calculateAreaOfPizza();

So, now we go back to the script element at the top of the page to add the function definition for calculateAreaOfPizza()

At first, we'll just ad a "dummy" body for this function that just puts up an alert box on the screen. This won't do anything useful, but it will give us a way to know whether the event handler is working.

Then, once that bridge is crossed, we'll actually hook up the event handler to the data from the form, and the areaOfPizza function we've defined.

So, to start, add an empty script element somewhere inside the head element. It should be nested inside the head element as a "sibling" to the title element (i.e. next door to it, either before or after it). It should look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">


Inside the script element, you'll put a JavaScript function definition for an event handler. That will look like this. Note the comment on the line before the function definition—that is considered essential for good style. For now, we leave the function body empty—that is, the part between the opening brace and the closing brace ( {  } ).

// event handler for "calculate" button---gets data from form and calculates answer
 function calculateAreaOfPizza() {


Next, we add a dummy function body for the time being—this allows us to see if the event handler is working. That dummy function body will consist of one line:

window.alert("The calculate button was pressed!") ;  

That goes inside the function definition body, so the entire function definition looks like this:

// event handler for "calculate" button---gets data from form and calculates answer
function calculateAreaOfPizza() {
window.alert("The calculate button was pressed!") ;
Notice the indentation!

Notice how the body of the function is indented by three spaces—this is essential for good coding style. It makes your code easier to read and understand. Style is one of the things you will be graded on when you submit JavaScript code for grading.

The indentation is not, however, necessary for the code to run—so this means that just because it works doesn't mean it is perfect. It must also follow good style principles that make it easy for a human being to read, understand and make future changes to your code. That's what the indentation is all about.

See if it works

Now, see if it works. Try clicking the button. You should get something like this:

If so, then your event handler is working—you can move on to the next step!

Step 2f: Adding a useful function body for the function calculateAreaOfPizza();

A more useful function body for calculateAreaOfPizza(); is one that pulls the value out of the form, does a calculation, then fills the value back into the form element. That function body appears below, so type it in next. As you type, read what you are typing, and try to make sense of it, in terms of things we've talked about before such as:

Note that this JavaScript code MUST go in a specific place—so locate that spot before you start typing.

So, here's what to type:

// get the objects representing the elements we are working with 
 var diameterElem = window.document.getElementById("diameter");
 var areaElem = window.document.getElementById("area");
 // get the value out of the input element
 var diameter = parseFloat(diameterElem.value);
 // calculate the result
 var area = areaOfPizza(diameter);
 // store result back into form
 areaElem.value = area; 
Now try testing...

Once you put this in, there is still one remaining problem—we still have not "pulled in" the areaOfPizza.js file. So, we should get this error:

So, we'll take care of that in the next step.

Step 2g: Adding a <script> element to pull in the external script areaOfPizza.js

So, now, to pull in the areaOfPizza.js file, we need to add one more line into our head element. Put this just before, the open tag for the <script type="text/javascript"> element you already have in the <head> element, as shown here (the new line is shown in bold).

<script type="text/javascript" src="areaOfPizza.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

Once you do this, and refresh the page, the error should go away—instead, when you click on the calculate button, the calculation should happen! This is true as long as:

To check that, visit (substituting your userid!) and see if you can see the areaOfPizza.js file.

The only other thing that might have gone wrong is this:

So at this point, if it isn't working, do this:

If it is working, you can go to the next, and final step

Step 2h: Testing the finished product

To test the finished product, try these examples, which are from the lab06 instructions:

If the diameter is this: The area should be approximately:
12 113.10
16 201.06

If it is working, then you are finished!

There is nothing to submit on WebCT—we'll just look at your work on the web.

Step 3: Validation (optional)

In step 2b, the following text appears:

Use the <!DOCTYPE ... > declaration and <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" ... > tags that you used in lab07, so that the page can be validated at

However, if you try to validate with that <!DOCTYPE ...>, you'll get several validation errors including:

To fix these problems, we'll need to do all of the following

Step3a: Change the DOCTYPE

Because we are using self-closing tags, we need to move to the DOCTYPE for XHTML 1.0 strict if we want our document to validate properly. (You can read about the differences between HTML and XHTML in Chapter of your Head First HTML with XHTML and CSS textbook.)

So, change the DOCTYPE to this one:

<!DOCTYPE html 
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

Typically you "copy and paste" this section—I will not expect you to memorize it.

Step3b: Change the <html> open tag

When using XHTML instead of HTML, the <html> open tag takes a slightly more complex form, with three additional attributes:

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

Here's a brief explanation:

Typically, you just "copy and paste" this line—I will not expect you to memorize it for an exam.

Step3c: Validate the page at, and fix the errors

Now, visit the page

Enter the URL of your new pizzaCalc.html page—now updated for XHTML 1.0 strict—and click to validate the page.

You will likely run into at least one validation error (shown below) —possibly more. If there are any validation errors, fix them—20 pts of this week's lab grade is having no validation errors.

The one validation error you are almost guaranteed to have is this one:

On the opening <form> tag, required attribute action not specified

Here's why, and how to fix it.

If there are other validation errors, use your knowledge of HTML to try to resolve them

Usually they are caused by simple things such as:

If you run across any problem that, after really looking at it carefully, you can't fix, you can bring it to your TA or instructor during lab, or office hours—or just wait for lab09.

Grading: 100 pts

step what we're looking for points
  • correctly naming your pizzaCalc.html file (5 pts)
  • make the title be Pizza Area Calculator (5 pts)
  • make an h1 element with the text Pizza Area Calculator (5 pts)
  • use the <!DOCTYPE ... > declaration and <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" ... > tags that you used in lab07, so that the page can be validated at (5 pts)
  • Note: It is not required for this lab that the page pass validation—just that it can be validated.
    • Making it validate is optional (step 3), and not for a grade
    • So, if there are errors, for this week that is ok.
    • But, if you have time, you might as well do it, because it will be required in lab09
    • Doing it now means you'll have one thing less to do next week.
  • correct form elements (10 pts)
  • correct script element with outline of function definition of calculateAreaOfPizza() (5 pts)
  • comment in front of function definition (5 pts)
  • correct indentation ( 5 pts)
  • correct function body for calculateAreaOfPizza() (10 pts)
  • adding <script> element to pull in areaOfPizza.js (10 pts)
  • does the page actually work? (15 pts)
overall following of directions student should follow good style, following examples from the textbook,
and from previous sample code from labs and lectures
overall following of directions student should follow the directions given 10


Due Date: Tue, Oct 30, 11:55pm

Copyright 2007, Phillip T. Conrad, CIS Dept., University of Delaware. Permission to copy for non-commercial, non-profit, educational purposes granted, provided appropriate credit is given; all other rights reserved.