1 Running the Web Server
2 Scheme Servlets
3 Web Language Servlets
4 Configuration
5 Dispatchers
6 Web Config Unit
7 Web Server Unit
8 Continuation Managers
9 Internal
10 Troubleshooting
11 Acknowledgements
On this page:
Version: 4.0.2


2.10 Web Cells

 (require web-server/servlet/web-cells)

The web-server/servlet/web-cells library provides the interface to web cells.

A web cell is a kind of state defined relative to the frame tree. The frame-tree is a mirror of the user’s browsing session. Every time a continuation is invoked, a new frame (called the current frame) is created as a child of the current frame when the continuation was captured.

You should use web cells if you want an effect to be encapsulated in all interactions linked from (in a transitive sense) the HTTP response being generated. For more information on their semantics, consult the paper "Interaction-Safe State for the Web" (http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Papers/Published/mk-int-safe-state-web/).

(web-cell? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c

Determines if v is a web-cell.

(make-web-cell v)  web-cell?

  v : any/c

Creates a web-cell with a default value of v.

(web-cell-ref wc)  any/c

  wc : web-cell?

Looks up the value of wc found in the nearest frame.

(web-cell-shadow wc v)  void

  wc : web-cell?

  v : any/c

Binds wc to v in the current frame, shadowing any other bindings to wc in the current frame.