1 Running the Web Server
2 Scheme Servlets
3 Web Language Servlets
4 Configuration
5 Dispatchers
6 Web Config Unit
7 Web Server Unit
8 Continuation Managers
9 Internal
10 Troubleshooting
11 Acknowledgements
On this page:
7.1 Signature
7.2 Unit
Version: 4.0.2


7 Web Server Unit

The Web Server offers a unit-based approach to running the server.

7.1 Signature

 (require web-server/web-server-sig)

web-server^ : signature

(serve)  (-> void)

Runs the server and returns a procedure that shuts down the server.

(serve-ports ip op)  void

  ip : input-port?

  op : output-port?

Serves a single connection represented by the ports ip and op.

7.2 Unit

 (require web-server/web-server-unit)

web-server@ : 

(unit/c (web-config^ tcp^)


Uses the web-config^ to construct a dispatcher? function that sets up one virtual host dispatcher, for each virtual host in the web-config^, that sequences the following operations:

Using this dispatcher?, it loads a dispatching server that provides serve and serve-ports functions that operate as expected.