1 Application
2 Autosave
3 Canvas
4 Color Model
5 Color Prefs
6 Color
7 Comment Box
8 Editor Snip
9 Editor
10 Exit
11 Finder
12 Frame
13 Group
14 GUI Utilities
15 Handler
16 Icon
17 Keymap
18 Menu
19 Mode
20 Number Snip
21 Panel
22 Pasteboard
23 Path Utils
24 Preferences
25 Preferences, Textual
26 Scheme
27 Text
28 Test
29 Version
On this page:
handler: handler?
handler: handler-name
handler: handler-extension
handler: handler-handler
handler: insert-format-handler
handler: find-named-format-handler
handler: find-format-handler
handler: edit-file
handler: current-create-new-window
handler: open-file
handler: install-recent-items
handler: set-recent-items-frame-superclass
handler: add-to-recent
handler: set-recent-position
handler: size-recently-opened-files
Version: 4.0.2


15 Handler

(handler:handler? obj)  boolean?

  obj : any/c

This predicate determines if its input is a handler.

(handler:handler-name handler)  string?

  handler : handler:handler?

Extracts the name from a handler.

(handler:handler-extension handler)

  (or/c (path? . -> . boolean?) (listof string?))

  handler : handler:handler?

Extracts the extension from a handler.

(handler:handler-handler handler)

  (path? . -> . (is-a?/c frame:editor<%>))

  handler : handler:handler?

Extracs the handler’s handling function.





















  name : string?

  pred : (or/c string? (listof string?) (path? . -> . boolean?))

  handler : (path? . -> . (or/c false/c (is-a?/c frame:editor<%>)))

This function inserts a format handler.

The string, name names the format handler for use with handler:find-named-format-handler. If pred is a string, it is matched with the extension of a filename by handler:find-format-handler. If pred is a list of strings, they are each matched with the extension of a filename by handler:find-format-handler. If it is a function, the filename is applied to the function and the functions result determines if this is the handler to use.

The most recently added format handler takes precedence over all other format handlers.

(handler:find-named-format-handler name)

  (path? . -> . (is-a?/c frame:editor<%>))

  name : string?

This function selects a format handler. See also handler:insert-format-handler.

It finds a handler based on name.

(handler:find-format-handler filename)

  (path? . -> . (is-a?/c frame:editor<%>))

  filename : path?

This function selects a format handler. See also handler:insert-format-handler.

It finds a handler based on filename.

(handler:edit-file filename [make-default])

  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c frame:editor<%>))

  filename : (or/c path? false/c)






(-> (is-a?/c frame:editor<%>))






(λ () ((handler:current-create-new-window) filename))

This function creates a frame or re-uses an existing frame to edit a file.

If the preference 'framework:open-here is set to #t, and (send (group:get-the-frame-group) get-open-here-frame) returns a frame, the open-here method of that frame is used to load the file in the existing frame.

Otherwise, it invokes the appropriate format handler to open the file (see handler:insert-format-handler).


  (-> (or/c false/c path?) (is-a?/c frame%))

(handler:current-create-new-window proc)  void?

  proc : (-> (or/c false/c path?) (is-a?/c frame%))

This is a parameter that controls how the framework creates new application windows.

The default setting is this:

  (λ (filename)

    (let ((frame (make-object frame:text-info-file% filename)))

      (send frame show #t)


(handler:open-file [dir])

  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c frame:basic<%>))

  dir : (or/c false/c path? string?) = #f

This function queries the user for a filename and opens the file for editing. It uses handler:edit-file to open the file, once the user has chosen it.

Calls finder:get-file and handler:edit-file, passing along dir.

(handler:install-recent-items menu)  void?

  menu : (is-a?/c menu%)

This function deletes all of the items in the given menu and adds one menu item for each recently opened file. These menu items, when selected, call handler:edit-file with the filename of the recently opened file.

The menu’s size is limited to 10.

(handler:set-recent-items-frame-superclass frame)  void?

  frame : (implementation?/c frame:standard-menus<%>)

Sets the superclass for the recently opened files frame. It must be derived from frame:standard-menus.

(handler:add-to-recent filename)  void?

  filename : path?

Adds a filename to the list of recently opened files.





















  filename : path?

  start : number?

  end : number?

Sets the selection of the recently opened file to start and end.

(handler:size-recently-opened-files num)  void?

  num : number?

Sizes the 'framework:recently-opened-files/pos preference list length to num.