1 Application
2 Autosave
3 Canvas
4 Color Model
5 Color Prefs
6 Color
7 Comment Box
8 Editor Snip
9 Editor
10 Exit
11 Finder
12 Frame
13 Group
14 GUI Utilities
15 Handler
16 Icon
17 Keymap
18 Menu
19 Mode
20 Number Snip
21 Panel
22 Pasteboard
23 Path Utils
24 Preferences
25 Preferences, Textual
26 Scheme
27 Text
28 Test
29 Version
On this page:
group: %
frame-shown/ hidden
group: get-the-frame-group
group: on-close-action
group: can-close-check
Version: 4.0.2


13 Group

group:% : class?

  superclass: object%

This class manages a group of frames matching the frame:basic<%> interface. There is one instance created by the framework, returned by the function group:get-the-frame-group and every frame that was constructed with frame:basic-mixin adds itself to the result of group:get-the-frame-group.

(send a-group: set-open-here-frame frame)  void

  frame : (is-a?/c frame:editor%)

Sets the frame to load new files into. See also frame:open-here<%>.

(send a-group: get-open-here-frame)

  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c frame:editor<%>))

Returns the currently saved frame to load new files into.

(send a-group: get-mdi-parent)

  (or/c false/c (instance frame%))

The result of this method must be used as the parent frame for each frame in the group.

(send a-group: get-frames)

  (list-of (instance frame:basic<%>))

Returns the frames in the group.

(send a-group: frame-label-changed frame)  void

  frame : (is-a?/c frame:basic<%>)

This method is called by frames constructed with frame:basic-mixin when their titles change.

Updates the windows menu of each frame in the group.

(send a-group: frame-shown/hidden)  void

This method is called by instances of frame:basic% to notify the frame group that a frame’s visibility is changed.

Updates the Windows menus of all of the frames in the frame group.

(send a-group: for-each-frame f)  void

  f : ((instance frame:basic<%>) -> void)

This method applies a function to each frame in the group. It also remembers the function and applies it to any new frames that are added to the group when they are added.

See also get-frames.

Applies f to each frame in the group

(send a-group: get-active-frame)  (is-a?/c frame:basic<%>)

Returns the frame with the keyboard focus or the first frame in the group.

(send a-group: set-active-frame frame)  void

  frame : (is-a?/c frame:basic<%>)

Sets the active frame in the group. This method is called by on-activate.

(send a-group: insert-frame frame)  void

  frame : (is-a?/c frame:basic<%>)

Inserts a frame into the group.

(send a-group: remove-frame frame)  void

  frame : (is-a?/c frame:basic<%>)

Removes a frame from the group.

(send a-group: clear)  boolean

This removes all of the frames in the group. It does not close the frames. See also on-close-alland can-close-all?.

(send a-group: on-close-all)  void

Call this method to close all of the frames in the group. The function can-close-all? must have been called just before this function and it must have returned #t.

Calls the on-close method and the show method (with #f as argument) on each frame in the group.

(send a-group: can-close-all?)  void

Call this method to make sure that closing all of the frames in the frame groups is permitted by the user. The function on-close-all is expected to be called just after this method is called.

Calls the can-close? method of each frame in the group.

(send a-group: locate-file name)

  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c frame:basic<%>))

  name : path?

Returns the frame that is editing or viewing the file name.

(group:get-the-frame-group)  (is-a?/c group:%)

This returns the frame group.

(group:on-close-action)  void?

See also group:can-close-check.

Call this function from the can-close? callback of a frame in order for the group to properly close the application.

(group:can-close-check)  boolean?

See also group:on-close-action.

Call this function from the can-close? callback of a frame in order for the group to properly close the application.