PLT Scheme
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Version: 4.0.2

PLT Scheme (installation)

This is an installation-specific listing. Running plt-help may open a different page with local and user-specific documentation, including documentation for installed PLaneT packages.

Getting Started

  Quick: An Introduction to PLT Scheme with Pictures

  More: Systems Programming with PLT Scheme

  Guide: PLT Scheme



  Reference: PLT Scheme


  R6RS: Standard Language


  How to Design Programs Languages

  How to Design Classes Languages


  Essentials of Programming Languages Language



  DrScheme: PLT Programming Environment


  mzc: PLT Compilation and Packaging

  setup-plt: PLT Configuration and Installation


  PLaneT: Automatic Package Distribution

  Scribble: PLT Documentation Tool

  Slideshow: PLT Figure and Presentation Tools

  Web Server: PLT HTTP Server


  Plugins: Extending DrScheme


GUI and Graphics Libraries

  GUI: PLT Graphics Toolkit

  Framework: PLT GUI Application Framework


  GL: 3-D Graphics

  PLoT: Graph Plotting


  Browser: Simple HTML Rendering

  Cards: Virtual Playing Cards Library

  Embedded GUI: Widgets within editor<%>

  Games: Fun Examples

  GL Board Game: 3-D Game Support

  MrLib: Extra GUI Libraries

  String Constants: GUI Internationalization

  Syntax Color: Utilities

  Turtle Graphics


Network Libraries

  Net: PLT Networking Libraries



Parsing Libraries

  File: PLT File Format Libraries

  HTML: Parsing Library

  Parser Tools: lex and yacc-style Parsing

  XML: Parsing and Writing


Tool Libraries

  Config: Installation and Search Paths

  Dynext: Running a C Compiler/Linker

  Errortrace: Debugging and Profiling

  Macro Debugger

  Make: Dependency Manager

  Readline: Terminal Interaction

  SLaTeX Wrapper

  Trace: Instrumentation to Show Function Calls

  Version: PLT Version Checking


Low-Level APIs

  FFI: PLT Scheme Foreign Interface

  Inside: PLT Scheme C API

  c-lambda: C FFI via mzc



  MysterX: Using Windows COM Objects in Scheme

  MzCOM: Scheme as a Windows COM Object


Miscellaneous Libraries

  SRFIs: Libraries


  HtDP: Languages as Libraries


  Syntax: Meta-Programming Helpers

  Typed Scheme: Scheme with Static Types


Experimental Languages and Libraries

  FrTime: A Language for Reactive Programs

  Lazy Scheme


Legacy Languages and Libraries

  R5RS: Legacy Standard Language


  Graphics: Legacy Library

  MzLib: Legacy PLT Libraries

  mzpp and mztext: Preprocessors

  MzScheme: Legacy Module Language



  Algol 60


  Test Box Recovery Tool