1 Beginning Student
2 Beginning Student with List Abbreviations
3 Intermediate Student
4 Intermediate Student with Lambda
5 Advanced Student
Version: 4.0.2


How to Design Programs Languages

The languages documented in this manual are provided by DrScheme to be used with the How to Design Programs book.

    1 Beginning Student

      1.1 define

      1.2 define-struct

      1.3 Function Calls

      1.4 Primitive Calls

      1.5 cond

      1.6 if

      1.7 and

      1.8 or

      1.9 Test Cases

      1.10 empty

      1.11 Identifiers

      1.12 Symbols

      1.13 true and false

      1.14 require

      1.15 Primitive Operations

    2 Beginning Student with List Abbreviations

      2.1 Quote

      2.2 Quasiquote

      2.3 Primitive Operations

      2.4 Unchanged Forms

    3 Intermediate Student

      3.1 define

      3.2 define-struct

      3.3 local

      3.4 letrec, let, and let*

      3.5 Function Calls

      3.6 time

      3.7 Identifiers

      3.8 Primitive Operations

      3.9 Unchanged Forms

    4 Intermediate Student with Lambda

      4.1 define

      4.2 lambda

      4.3 Function Calls

      4.4 Primitive Operation Names

      4.5 Unchanged Forms

    5 Advanced Student

      5.1 define

      5.2 define-struct

      5.3 lambda

      5.4 begin

      5.5 begin0

      5.6 set!

      5.7 delay

      5.8 shared

      5.9 let

      5.10 recur

      5.11 case

      5.12 when and unless

      5.13 Primitive Operations

      5.14 Unchanged Forms
