1 Datatypes
external-dtd/ public
external-dtd/ system
exn: invalid-xexpr
2 Reading and Writing XML
read-xml/ element
syntax: read-xml
syntax: read-xml/ element
write-xml/ content
display-xml/ content
3 XML and X-expression Conversions
4 Parameters
5 PList Library
Version: 4.0.2


XML: Parsing and Writing

 (require xml)

The xml library provides functions for parsing and generating XML. XML can be represented as an instance of the document structure type, or as a kind of S-expression that is called an X-expression.

The xml library does not provides Document Type Declaration (DTD) processing, validation, expanding user-defined entities, or reading user-defined entities in attributes.

1 Datatypes

(xexpr? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c

Returns #t if v is a X-expression, #f otherwise.

The following grammar describes expressions that create X-expressions:










(list symbol (list (list symbol string) ...) xexpr ...)





(cons symbol (list xexpr ...))





















A string is literal data. When converted to an XML stream, the characters of the data will be escaped as necessary.

A pair represents an element, optionally with attributes. Each attribute’s name is represented by a symbol, and its value is represented by a string.

A symbol represents a symbolic entity. For example, 'nbsp represents  .

An exact-nonnegative-integer represents a numeric entity. For example, #x20 represents .

A cdata is an instance of the cdata structure type, and a misc is an instance of the comment or pcdata structure types.





(prolog element misc))

  prolog : prolog?

  element : element?

  misc : (or/c comment? pcdata?)

Represents a document.





(misc dtd misc2))

  misc : (listof (or/c comment? pcdata?))

  dtd : (or/c document-type false/c)

  misc2 : (listof (or/c comment? pcdata?))

Represents a document prolog. The make-prolog binding is unusual: it accepts two or more arguments, and all arguments after the first two are collected into the misc2 field.





(name external inlined))

  name : symbol?

  external : external-dtd?

  inlined : false/c

Represents a document type.






  system : string?



(external-dtd/public external-dtd)



  public : string?



(external-dtd/system external-dtd)



Represents an externally defined DTD.



(element source)


(name attributes content))

  name : symbol?

  attributes : (listof attribute?)

  content : (listof content?)

Represents an element.

(content? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c

Returns #t if v is a pcdata instance, element instance, an entity instance, comment, or pcdata instance.



(attribute source)


(name value))

  name : symbol?

  value : string?

Represents an attribute within an element.



(entity source)



  text : (or/c symbol? exact-nonnegative-integer?)

Represents a symbolic or numerical entity.



(pcdata source)



  string : string?

Represents PCDATA content.



(cdata source)



  string : string?

Represents CDATA content.

The string field is assumed to be of the form <![CDATA[content]]> with proper quoting of ⟨content⟩. Otherwise, write-xml generates incorrect output.



(p-i source)


(target-name instruction))

  target-name : string?

  instruction : string?

Represents a processing instruction.






  text : string?

Represents a comment.





(start stop))

  start : (or/c location? symbol?)

  stop : (or/c location? symbol?)

Represents a source location. Other structure types extend source.

When XML is generated from an input stream by read-xml, locations are represented by location instances. When XML structures are generated by xexpr->xml, then locations are symbols.





(line char offset))

  line : exact-nonnegative-integer?

  char : exact-nonnegative-integer?

  offset : exact-nonnegative-integer?

Represents a location in an input stream.



(exn:invalid-xexpr exn:fail)



  code : any/c

Raised by validate-xexpr when passed an invalid X-expression. The code fields contains an invalid part of the input to validate-xexpr.

2 Reading and Writing XML

(read-xml [in])  document?

  in : input-port? = (current-input-port)

Reads in an XML document from the given or current input port XML documents contain exactly one element, raising xml-read:error if the input stream has zero elements or more than one element.

Malformed xml is reported with source locations in the form ⟨l.c/o⟩, where ⟨l⟩, ⟨c⟩, and ⟨o⟩ are the line number, column number, and next port position, respectively as returned by port-next-location.

Any non-characters other than eof read from the input-port appear in the document content. Such special values may appear only where XML content may. See make-input-port for information about creating ports that return non-character values.


  > (xml->xexpr (document-element

                 (read-xml (open-input-string

                            "<doc><bold>hi</bold> there!</doc>"))))

  (doc () (bold () "hi") " there!")

(read-xml/element [in])  element?

  in : input-port? = (current-input-port)

Reads a single XML element from the port. The next non-whitespace character read must start an XML element, but the input port can contain other data after the element.

(syntax:read-xml [in])  syntax?

  in : input-port? = (current-input-port)

Reads in an XML document and produces a syntax object version (like read-syntax) of an X-expression.

(syntax:read-xml/element [in])  syntax?

  in : input-port? = (current-input-port)

Like syntax:real-xml, but it reads an XML element like read-xml/element.

(write-xml doc [out])  void?

  doc : document?

  out : output-port? = (current-output-port)

Writes a document to the given output port, currently ignoring everything except the document’s root element.

(write-xml/content content [out])  void?

  content : content?

  out : output-port? = (current-output-port)

Writes document content to the given output port.

(display-xml doc [out])  void?

  doc : document?

  out : output-port? = (current-output-port)

Like write-xml, but newlines and indentation make the output more readable, though less technically correct when whitespace is significant.

(display-xml/content content [out])  void?

  content : content?

  out : output-port? = (current-output-port)

Like write-xml/content, but with indentation and newlines like display-xml.

3 XML and X-expression Conversions

(xml->xexpr content)  xexpr?

  content : content?

Converts document content into an X-expression.

(xexpr->xml xexpr)  content?

  xexpr : xexpr?

Converts an X-expression into XML content.

(xexpr->string xexpr)  string?

  xexpr : xexpr?

Converts an X-expression into a string containing XML.

((eliminate-whitespace tags choose) elem)  element?

  tags : (listof symbol?)

  choose : (boolean? . -> . any/c)

  elem : element?

Some elements should not contain any text, only other tags, except they often contain whitespace for formating purposes. Given a list of tag names as tags and the identity function as choose, eliminate-whitespace produces a function that filters out PCDATA consisting solely of whitespace from those elements, and it raises an error if any non-whitespace text appears. Passing in not as choose filters all elements which are not named in the tags list. Using void as choose filters all elements regardless of the tags list.

(validate-xexpr v)  (one-of/c #t)

  v : any/c

If v is an X-expression, the result #t. Otherwise, exn:invalid-xexprs is raised, with the a message of the form “Expected ⟨something⟩, given ⟨something-else⟩/” The code field of the exception is the part of v that caused the exception.

(correct-xexpr? v success-k fail-k)  any/c

  v : any/c

  success-k : (-> any/c)

  fail-k : (exn:invalid-xexpr? . -> . any/c)

Like validate-expr, except that success-k is called on each valid leaf, and fail-k is called on invalid leaves; the fail-k may return a value instead of raising an exception of otherwise escaping. Results from the leaves are combined with and to arrive at the final result.

4 Parameters


  (or/c (one-of/c 'always 'never) (listof symbol?))

(empty-tag-shorthand shorthand)  void?

  shorthand : (or/c (one-of/c 'always 'never) (listof symbol?))

A parameter that determines whether output functions should use the <tag/> tag notation instead of <tag></tag> for elements that have no content.

When the parameter is set to 'always, the abbreviated notation is always used. When set of 'never, the abbreviated notation is never generated. when set to a list of symbols is provided, tags with names in the list are abbreviated. The default is 'always.

The abbreviated form is the preferred XML notation. However, most browsers designed for HTML will only properly render XHTML if the document uses a mixture of the two formats. The html-empty-tags constant contains the W3 consortium’s recommended list of XHTML tags that should use the shorthand.

html-empty-tags : (listof symbol?)

See empty-tag-shorthand.


  > (parameterize ([empty-tag-shorthand html-empty-tags])

      (write-xml/content (xexpr->xml `(html

                                        (body ((bgcolor "red"))

                                          "Hi!" (br) "Bye!")))))

  <html><body bgcolor="red">Hi!<br />Bye!</body></html>

(collapse-whitespace)  boolean?

(collapse-whitespace collapse?)  void?

  collapse? : any/c

A parameter that controls whether consecutive whitespace is replaced by a single space. CDATA sections are not affected. The default is #f.

(read-comments)  boolean?

(read-comments preserve?)  void?

  preserve? : any/c

A parameter that determines whether comments are preserved or discarded when reading XML. The default is #f, which discards comments.

(xexpr-drop-empty-attributes)  boolean?

(xexpr-drop-empty-attributes drop?)  void?

  drop? : any/c

Controls whether xml->xexpr drops or preserves attribute sections for an element that has no attributes. The default is #f, which means that all generated X-expression elements have an attributes list (even if it’s empty).

5 PList Library

 (require xml/plist)

The xml/plist library provides the ability to read and write XML documents that conform to the plist DTD, which is used to store dictionaries of string–value associations. This format is used by Mac OS X (both the operating system and its applications) to store all kinds of data.

A dictionary X-expression is an X-expression that could be create by an expression matching the following dict-expr grammar:





(list 'dict assoc-pair ...)










(list 'assoc-pair string pl-value)















(list 'true)





(list 'false)





(list 'integer integer)





(list 'real real)










(list 'array pl-value ...)

(read-plist in)  xexpr?

  in : input-port?

Reads a plist from a port, and produces a dictionary X-expression.

(write-plist dict out)  void?

  dict : xexpr?

  out : output-port?

Write a plist to the given port. If dict is not a dictionary X-expression, the exn:fail:contract exception is raised.


  > (define my-dict

      `(dict (assoc-pair "first-key"

                         "just a string with some  whitespace")

             (assoc-pair "second-key"


             (assoc-pair "third-key"


             (assoc-pair "fourth-key"

                         (dict (assoc-pair "inner-key"

                                           (real 3.432))))

             (assoc-pair "fifth-key"

                         (array (integer 14)

                                "another string"


             (assoc-pair "sixth-key"


  > (define-values (in out) (make-pipe))

  > (write-plist my-dict out)

  > (close-output-port out)

  > (define new-dict (read-plist in))

  > (equal? my-dict new-dict)


The XML generated by write-plist in the above example looks like the following, if re-formatted by:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



  <plist version="0.9">



      <string>just a string with some  whitespace</string>


      <false />


      <dict />









        <string>another string</string>

        <true />



      <array />

