Coming soon...
This course is a general introduction to the study of the Criminal Justice
System in the United States. It will examine both historical and
contemporary issues regarding six general areas: (1) the nature and extent
of crime, (2) explanations and theories of crime, (3) formulation and
application of criminal law, (4) law enforcement, (5) the judicial system,
and (6) the correctional system. By the end of the semester, students
should be able to:
- Understand the standard concepts, definitions, systemic relationships,
and key cases which define the structure and process of American Criminal
- Dispel “common sense” myths which distort an understanding
of the character of American criminal justice.
- Understand how fundamental forms of social organization (e.g.,
race, class, and gender) shape the nature of crime and the criminal
justice process.
- Understand the job opportunities and careers available in the
criminal justice field.