UD graduate student Diane Vondrasek is conducting research on smart grid technology and how it will affect energy management strategies and profitability in the U.S. lodging industry. Pictured here is Vondrasek with her master's thesis committee: Prof. Paul Sestak, Vondrasek, Prof. Ali Poorani, Prof. Francis Kwansa [Photo by Evan Krape]. Click here to read full article.
A message from the Associate Provost for Professional Education
What is professional education?
John Sawyer
If this seems like an odd question, then you are not at the University
of Delaware. The University currently does not have a medical or law
school, the iconic images of graduate professional education, thus
this question comes up often. Without these professional schools,
questions arise: Does the University of Delaware provide professional
education? What is the place of professional education in a research
intensive university? What distinguishes professional education from
other forms of graduate education?
What do we do at UD?
Indeed, the University of Delaware has, at both the undergraduate
and graduate level, a number of programs that prepare students for
professional practice. Most comparable to medical school are UD's Doctor of Physical Therapy and our nursing and other applied
health science programs. Additionally, UD has a number of
professional programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level
in education, engineering, public administration and policy,
business, as well as the Professional Science Master's programs in biotechnology and bioinformatics.
Is there a place for professional education in a
research intensive university?