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This section provides a list of campus and community resources that can help international visitors address common issues faced during their stay at UD and in the United States.




International Student & Scholar Information Request Form This form is needed to notify immigration of your address + provide UD with emergency contact information
SEVIS Form - Online Submit this required form to declare understanding the visa regulations
Interpreter Volunteer Form Submit this form if you are interested in volunteering to help citizens from your country
Graduate Students Confidential Financial Information Form - PDF Submit this form along with proof of funds in order to get I-20/DS-2019
Undergraduate Students Confidential Financial Information Form - PDF Submit this form along with proof of funds in order to get I-20/DS-2019
Affidavit of Support - PDF Submit this form if your funding sourse is from someone other than yourself, your government, or the University of Delaware (for example, Family Funds)
International Student Transfer Form - PDF Print this form + Submit it to the foreign student advisor at the current school + fax to OISS
ITA Form - Summer Program Submit this form if you have been nominated for a teaching assitantship




OPT Forms
(Please read the instructions on the Pre /Post OPT page before filling of printing the forms)
Academic Adviser Recommendation for Optional Practical Training (PDF)* Need to be signed by the academic advisor. If you are a graduate student, you will also need a signature from the Office of Graduate & professional Education.
Form I-765 (PDF)* Application For Employment Authorization
Form G-1145 (PDF)* E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance
Report of Changes for F-1 Students on OPT (Online) Use this form to notify our office if you have changed address or employer
CPT Form
(Please read the instructions on the CPT page before filling of printing the form)
Academic Adviser Recommendation for Curricular Practical Training (PDF)* Need to be signed by the academic advisor. If you are a graduate student, you will also need a signature from the Office of Graduate & professional Education.
Payroll Forms
I-9 Form (Employment Eligibility Verification) (PDF)* Need to fill "Section 1" only and submit it with the Foreign National Information Form and the necessary visa documents
Foreign National Information Form (PDF)* Need to be filled out completely and submitted with the I-9 form and the necessary visa documents.
Social Security Forms
Social Security Application (PDF)*
Social Security Number Letter for On-Campus Employment (PDF)* Please have your employer fill out this form and bring it to our office for signature.
Other Forms
On-Campus Employment Eligibility Certification (PDF)* Use this form if employer requires proof of On-Campus Employment Eligibility
UD W-8 Form - (PDF)* - Word document Please submit this form with the appropriate documents shown in page 2 of the form.
Update: This form is no longer used to reimburse for travel and living expenses.




J-1 Forms
Request for Visiting Scholar Form - PDF - Word document All sections of this form must be completed by the department, NOT Visiting Scholars. View the new Visiting Scholar Procedure here.
J-1 Declaration of Compliance for Health Insurance - PDF - Word document
J-1 Scholar Transfer-Out Request Form - PDF The purpose of this form is to formally request a transfer of your DS-2019 and SEVIS record from the University of Delaware to another institution. Please provide the documents listed below along with this form to Janica Kriss either by e-mail at or in person at OISS. Only completed requests with appropriate supporting documents will be processed. Please allow one week for processing.
Payroll Deduction Authorization - PDF - WORD - ONLINE Employees can have the J-1 application fees deducted from their paycheck by filling out this form. For more information click here.
Department Fee Payment Form - PDF - WORD - ONLINE Departments can cover the J-1 application fee for visiting scholars and employees by filling out this form. For more information click here.
H1-B Forms
H1-B Visa Questionnaire (Word document) **Note: only fill out section 2 if the position is not governed by a collective barganing agreement**. For general H1-B processing information, please visit this page
H1-B Visa Sample Letter (PDF)* For general H1-B processing information, please read this page
Export Control Certification (Word document) For more information on Export Control Certification click here.
Department Fee Payment Form - PDF - WORD - ONLINE Departments can cover the H1-B application fee for visiting scholars and employees by filling out this form. For more information click here.




Invitation and Status letters As of Wednesday 03/02/2011, The Office for International Students and Scholars has decided to stop issuing the following letters:

Status letters: You can print an Enrollment Verification Certificate directly from your UDSIS student page and bring it to our office so we can add a "University of Delaware International Services" seal. This letter along with a copy of your I-20 or DS-2019 should suffice in proving your status.

Invitation letters: These letters are not required by the embassy to issue a B1/B2 visa. The Student/Scholar should submit a copy of their I-20/or DS2019 to the relative applying for the tourist visa. You can also send an Enrollment Verification Certificate along with the copy of the I-20/DS-2019.
Other Letter Requests (Online) Use this form if you need any other letters
* Enrollment Verification Certificates can be printed online from your UDSIS page *
** For funding letters, please contact your Department **

(Departments Only)



Application for New Special International Program

Departments and Program Sponsors should use this packet to request an OISS consultation before marketing special international group programs. The information in this packet will help you understand the different visa types, and the application will help our office select the most appropriate eligibility document for your program participants.

Please note that this is not a University approval for hosting special programs. You may still need to gain approval from and collaborate with other University departments. Our hope is that this information, as well as the guidance you receive from our office will help you build an outline for a sustainable international program.

Please return this form to




I-20/DS-2019 Request Form for Students- (PDF)* - Word document

Use this form if you have changed majors or levels, lost your I-20/DS-2019 or if there is an error in your document.

Use this form if you need to extend your I-20/DS-2019. Your Extension will be based on the duration of your funding and your graduation date in UDSIS. To change your graduation date, if you are a graduate student, please have your advisor email Dr. Mary Martin with your intension to extend your graduation date. If you are an UnderGraduate student, please change your graduation date in UDSIS.

DS-2019 Visiting Scholar Extension Request Form - (PDF)* - Word document Use this form if you are a visiting scholar who needs to extend his or her DS-2019. Your Extension will be based on the duration of your funding and your anticipated end date. Please include payment for the International Service fee with your request, as well as an updated offer letter with your new employment dates.
Visa Request Form for Dependents - (PDF)* - Word document Use this form to request an I-20 or DS-2019 for your dependent(s) (Spouse/Children). International students and scholars planning to bring family members to the United States must purchase medical insurance for them.




International Student & Scholar Information Request Form Submit this form for change of address
Medical Insurance Waiver Form for International Students Please submit the insurance waiver form with proof of your insurance (that includes information on the coverage). Make sure the coverage meets the minimum requirements (shown on the waiver form). **NOTE: This form must be submitted every semester. **
Request for Permission to Travel (PDF)* Submit this form with your I-20/DS-2019 each time you plan to travel outside the United States.
Request for Reduced Enrollment Form - PDF - Word document Submit this form if you will be enrolled less than fulltime (only allowed one time + last semester of study)
Dual Enrollment Form

Use this form if you are a student at any institution interested in taking part-time classes at UD to count toward your minimum requirement. Only use this form if you are taking part-time classes at UD and part-time classes at another institution. Do not use this form for reduced courseload, or if you have been dismissed from UD and do not have a valid I-20.

Only students who have a valid I-20 in a matriculated program are eligible to use this form..

This form must be completed before you engage in dual enrollment. Engaging in dual enrollment without authorization is considered a violation of your status.

Medical Reduced Courseload Form

Submit this form if you have a medical condition which prevents you from studying full time. Please note that this form must be:

- Completed by a licenced medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist

- Explain the condition and how it prevents you from studying full time

- Approved by OISS before you take your leave

**NOTE: Please remember that OISS reserves the right to request more information if the provided form is not sufficient. Additional approval from your academic unit may also be required. This form must be re-submitted and re-approved each session or semester that you request less than a full-time courseload. You will be issued a new I-20 reflecting the reduced courseload after it is approved. If you take your leave before the form is approved by OISS, you risk termination of your visa status.