Grabbing Audio Files

There are a number of ways to grab audio tracks in the Recitation Hall Computing Site. All the PowerMac 8500 are capable of grabbing high quality-video and audio files. The easiest way to grab audio is with Avid Video WorkShop or Adobe Premiere.

There are a number of ways to save and use the files once they are captured. They can be used in movie files that you create in one of the editing programs, saved as stand alone sound files, or saved as QuickTime movies and used on the Web. These types of files can be very large. Please be kind to your users and let them know how large the file is before they download it. This is very helpful for modem users.
Grabbing Sound
In Premiere
Grabbing Sound
in Video Workshop
Grabbing sound from a CD Grabbing sound from a CD
Grabbing sound from a microphone Grabbing sound from a microphone
Separating an audio
from a video track
Separating an audio
from a video track

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