Pharmacy to the World: Combinatorial Chemistry or the Rainforest?
Are modern combinatorial approaches to drug discovery so effective that there is virtually no need to seek new drug leads from plants in disappearing tropical forests?
This webpage is devoted to our position that the path to drug discovery lies in the exploration of both combinatorial chemistry and investigation of natural products from the rainforests, and that neither one should be overlooked as a viable source of future drugs.
HomeWhat is Combinatorial Chemistry?
-- Solid Phase Synthesis
-- Future Applications of Combinatorial ChemistryMedicines Derived from Combinatorial Chemistry
The Value of The Rainforests
The Fate of the RainforestMedicines Discovered from rainforest Plants
Site maintained by
Eric Johnson(, Nikki Goodwin(,
Lex Kim(, Kate O'Reilly(
Site last updated:10/29/00