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Deborah Allen

In 1992 I joined a multidisciplinary group of science faculty at UD (Harold White, Barbara Duch, Susan Groh, Sheella Mierson, and Barbara Williams) who shared a common concern about the outcomes of the traditional methods of science instruction we had been using. I worked with this group to develop courses, write problems, assess the effectiveness of the courses and curriculum materials, and perform a larger analysis of our students' perceptions and attitudes about their learning of science. My current interests continue to include the design, implementation, and assessment of courses/curricula using active, collaborative learning strategies, and the creation of problem-based learning (PBL) problems and materials. I also am involved in the development of a support and education program for use of supervised undergraduates as peer group facilitators in problem-based learning classrooms. This project is being conducted in collaboration with Harold White from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. We currently are producing a manual and accompanying trigger tapes (about group dynamics) for in-house use and national distribution. A related project has been the development of a program for involving undergraduates in inquiry-based instructional activities in both the college and K-12 classroom (the Science Fellows Program). I also am a founding leader of UD's Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education (along with George Watson, Barbara Duch, Susan Groh, Harry Shipman, and Harold White), the winner of a 1999 certificate of excellence, TIAA-CREF Theodore Hesburgh award.

See Deborah Allen's webpage for more information.
Contact: deallen@udel.edu