Grades in this course will be determined by a combination of three kinds of points:
Grading for the required assignments is straightforward—each assignment is worth a given number of points. We total the points you earn, divide by the number possible.
For the optional assignments, there is a list to choose from, each worth a certain number of points. You'll also be allowed to propose your own assignments. Finally, you'll be permitted the option of taking a final exam to earn additional points. If you reach the target of 500 points, you get 100% for this part of your grade.
For the peer-evaluations and participation, I will look at both the numeric scores on the peer evaluations, the comments, and also the grades (0,1,2,3) for participation assignments, and based on that, come up with a number between 0% and 10% for that part of your grade.
The table below is a list of the assignments on WebCT and the status of grading for each of them. Oana and I will update this table as we make progress on the grading.
The first column in this table corresponds to the column headings under "My Grades in WebCT", and is now a complete list (as of 5/3/2006)
Assignment ID | Brief Explanation (and web links, if applicable) | Status | Type (required or participation) |
Points |
A01_G | Group part of A01 (web app stories posted on WebCT) | released | P |
A01_I | Individual part of A01 (story about a web app) | released | P |
A02_I | A02 reaction to paper by Weimer (about course grading) | released | P |
A03_G | A03 group web page, and form that matches a "story" | released | R | 40 |
A04_G | A04 web ring, XHTML 1.1 validation | released | R | 20 |
A05_G | A05 Introduction to scheduling app problem (answers to five questions) | released |
R | 50 |
A06_G | A06: JUnit tests (that didn't have to pass) for schedule model classes. | released |
50 | |
A07_G | A07: JUnit tests (that did have to pass) for schedule model classes, making the JavaDoc, and documentating team responsibilities. | released |
50 | |
A08_Pres | A08: Group Presentations (4/24, 4/26, 4/28) | released |
R | 20 |
A08_G | A08: Group: Final code submission for free time scheduling servlet (As of 05/10/06, submissions on WebCT have been received from all groups) |
released |
R | 100 |
A09.S1_I | A09 Step 1, individual: thoughts about group work. Short writeup on individual and group traits that help or hinder a group's success | released |
R | 20 |
A09.S2_G | A09 Step 2, group: evaluation of existing peer evaluation forms. | released |
R | 20 |
A09.S3_G | A09 Step 3, group: design of a consensus form | released |
R | 20 |
A09.S5_I | A09 Step 5: individual: posting on WebCT discussion board about anonymity and feedback | released |
R | 30 |
A10_demo | A10: Group: Final web application (improved schedule web app in lettered groups, with usernames, passwords, sessions. Note: Demo will be done by by TA/Instructor trying out the application on their own, unless a representative from the group wants to come and demo the application live. If so, email and/or for an appointment.) |
todo(*) |
R | 50 |
A10_code | todo(*) |
R | 50 | |
P01 | P01: Applying for ECL account | released | P |
P02 | P02: Chapter 1 HFSJ Servlet | released | P |
P03 | P03: product selection (preparation for H02) |
released |
P |
H01 | H01: Personal CISC474 home page on strauss (using strict XHTML 1.1 that validates) |
released |
R | 100 |
H02 | H02: HFSJ Chapter 3 Beer/Product Servlet | released |
R | 50 |
H03 | H03: Redo H02 with database instead of hardcoded model, and with Ant, Javadoc and WAR file deployment. | todo(*) |
R | 100 |