7 Web Server Unit
The Web Server offers a unit-based approach to running the server.
7.1 Signature
web-server^ : signature |
Runs the server and returns a procedure that shuts down the server.
(serve-ports ip op) → void
ip : input-port?
op : output-port?
Serves a single connection represented by the ports ip and op.
7.2 Unit
Uses the web-config^ to construct a dispatcher? function that sets up one virtual host dispatcher, for each virtual host in the web-config^, that sequences the following operations:
Logs the incoming request with the given format to the given file
Performs HTTP Basic Authentication with the given password file
Allows the "/conf/refresh-passwords" URL to refresh the password file.
Allows the "/conf/collect-garbage" URL to call the garbage collector.
Allows the "/conf/refresh-servlets" URL to refresh the servlets cache.
Execute servlets under the "/servlets/" URL in the given servlet root directory.
Serves files under the "/" URL in the given htdocs directory.
Using this dispatcher?, it loads a dispatching server that provides serve and serve-ports functions that operate as expected.