1 Running the Web Server
2 Scheme Servlets
3 Web Language Servlets
4 Configuration
5 Dispatchers
6 Web Config Unit
7 Web Server Unit
8 Continuation Managers
9 Internal
10 Troubleshooting
11 Acknowledgements
Version: 4.0.2


3 Web Language Servlets

The Web Server allows servlets to be written in a special Web language that is nearly identical to Scheme. Herein we discuss how it is different and what API is provided.

    3.1 Definition

    3.2 Usage Considerations

    3.3 Reprovided API

    3.4 Web

    3.5 Stuff URL

    3.6 Web Extras

    3.7 File Boxes

    3.8 Web Parameters

    3.9 Web Cells