1 Language Model
2 Syntactic Forms
3 Datatypes
4 Structures
5 Classes and Objects
6 Units
7 Contracts
8 Pattern Matching
9 Control Flow
10 Concurrency
11 Macros
12 Input and Output
13 Reflection and Security
14 Operating System
15 Memory Management
16 Running PLT Scheme
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Version: 4.0.2


9.1 Multiple Values

See Multiple Return Values for general information about multiple result values. In addition to call-with-values (described in this section), the let-values, let*-values, letrec-values, and define-values forms (among others) create continuations that receive multiple values.

(values v ...)  any

  v : any/c

Returns the given vs. That is, values returns as provided arguments.


  > (values 1)


  > (values 1 2 3)




  > (values)

(call-with-values generator receiver)  any

  generator : (-> any)

  receiver : procedure?

Calls generator, and passes the values that generator produces as arguments to receiver. Thus, call-with-values creates a continuation that accepts any number of values that receiver can accept. The receiver procedure is called in tail position with respect to the call-with-values call.


  > (call-with-values (lambda () (values 1 2)) +)


  > (call-with-values (lambda () 1) (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))

  #<procedure>: expects 2 arguments, given 1: 1