1 Language Model
2 Syntactic Forms
3 Datatypes
4 Structures
5 Classes and Objects
6 Units
7 Contracts
8 Pattern Matching
9 Control Flow
10 Concurrency
11 Macros
12 Input and Output
13 Reflection and Security
14 Operating System
15 Memory Management
16 Running PLT Scheme
Version: 4.0.2


2 Syntactic Forms

This section describes the core syntax forms that appear in a fully expanded expression, plus a many closely-related non-core forms. See Fully Expanded Programs for the core grammar.

    2.1 Modules: module, ...

    2.2 Importing and Exporting: require and provide

      2.2.1 Additional require Forms

      2.2.2 Additional provide Forms

    2.3 Literals: quote and #%datum

    2.4 Expression Wrapper: #%expression

    2.5 Variable References and #%top

    2.6 Locations: #%variable-reference

    2.7 Procedure Applications and #%app

    2.8 Procedure Expressions: lambda and case-lambda

    2.9 Local Binding: let, let*, letrec, ...

    2.10 Local Definitions: local

    2.11 Constructing Graphs: shared

    2.12 Conditionals: if, cond, and, and or

    2.13 Dispatch: case

    2.14 Definitions: define, define-syntax, ...

      2.14.1 require Macros

      2.14.2 provide Macros

    2.15 Sequencing: begin, begin0, and begin-for-syntax

    2.16 Guarded Evaluation: when and unless

    2.17 Assignment: set! and set!-values

    2.18 Iterations and Comprehensions: for, for/list, ...

      2.18.1 Iteration and Comprehension Forms

      2.18.2 Deriving New Iteration Forms

      2.18.3 Do Loops

    2.19 Continuation Marks: with-continuation-mark

    2.20 Quasiquoting: quasiquote, unquote, and unquote-splicing

    2.21 Syntax Quoting: quote-syntax

    2.22 Interaction Wrapper: #%top-interaction

    2.23 Flattening Syntactic Sequences: nest


Each syntactic form is described by a BNF-like notation that describes a combination of (syntax-wrapped) pairs, symbols, and other data (not a sequence of characters). These grammatical specifications are shown as follows:

(some-form id ...)

Within such specifications,