This website provides a generous amount of information regarding the U.S. Constitution. The quick guide gives one access to the complete copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, its origins, creation, issues the nation has faced both in the past and present (in regard to the Constitution), landmark Supreme Court Cases, and a message board for participants to get involved.
American Library Association
This website’s focus is on the first amendment of the Bill of Rights. It defines the basics, including court cases regarding this amendment. In addition, there is a section for young people.
The U.S. Constitution Online – USConstitution.Net
This praised website provides one with a wide range of information regarding the U.S. Constitution. One is able to look at current events (from years 1999-2004) and how they pertain to the U.S. Constitution. In addition, the text of this document is available for students (at their level). There is information regarding the framers including biographies, the convention, and a convention timeline. Also, there is information about the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
United States Constitution – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The following items are highlighted in this reference from the Wikipedia Encyclopedia: the history of the U.S. Constitution, the principles of government, provision for amendments, the Bill of Rights, and failed amendments. References are supplied as well as 500 external links to people, dates, and issues that are related to the U.S. Constitution.
Discovery School
This lesson intended for grades 6-12, allows for students to gather images from modern media to show how the meaning of the Preamble is reflected in current American culture. The lesson is teacher-friendly with an objective, materials, and procedure. It gives teachers the step-by-step process of implementing the lesson in their own classrooms.
Discovery School
Discovery provides many lessons for teachers to use in their U.S. History classes. The lessons are divided into three sections: K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. There are many different lessons including Early American Leaders (at the K-5 level), The End of the Civil Rights Movement (6-8 level), and The 2nd Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms (9-12 level), among many others.
High School Hub
This site is an online learning center for high school students. There is a section specific to U.S. History. This section provides the chronology of American history, historical documents, among others. There is also a section for U.S. Government that includes information about Supreme Court Cases and the American Presidents. Other areas include a map game, historical maps, census data, and a United States’ capitals quiz. Reference resources and research tools are also linked to this site.
The Library of Congress: American Memory Timeline
This was developed to help teachers and students to be able to use the information the Library of Congress has to offer. It is divided into sections (e.g. Settlement, Beginnings to 1763) up to 1968. They contain primary sources pertaining to each time period.
Digital History
This site uses new technologies to enhance teaching and learning! It has a on-line American history textbook that has links to guided readings regarding a multitude of events and peoples. In addition, there is a primary source section that includes web links to historic newspapers. Also, a section from ethnic voices (e.g. Mexican Americans) provides information about influential people. There is an area specifically designed for teachers. This section provides information to conduct the lessons including focusing events, accessing prior knowledge, links to other sites (for students to conduct further research), classroom tested handouts and fact sheets, etc. There are other resources available including maps, images, encyclopedias, biographies, etc.
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
This website (The University of Texas at Austin) provides many wonderful historical maps of the United States to download. Some are specific to the state of Texas. However, many others include maps of National Historic Parks, Memorials, and Military Parks and Battlefields. In addition, others show change over time from the exploration and settlement of our country to colonization and beyond.
Colonial America 1600-1775: K12 Resources
This site allows one to explore Colonial America through the Internet. Primary sources, maps, time lines, lesson plans, bibliographies, and curriculum content materials are linked to this site. The sections are easily highlighted for users to click on and determine which sites meet their needs. Topics include: African Americans, religion, state histories, military history, everyday life and customs, art and architecture, education, trades, colonial crafts, medicine, among others.
Best Of History Websites
This site is a link to other sites that are good to use to teach U.S. History. Links include: Library of Congress, Center for History and New Media: History Matters, PBS Online, among others.
History of the United States: U.S.A. History Home Page
This site is a time line that shows major events in American History. One can click on to any of the events’ icons to get more details. Some of these include: The British Colonies, The French and Indian War, The American Revolution, etc. Once one is “into” the event, it is divided into sections including short pieces of text describing the event or person. In addition, there are links to other pages giving more information.
Schoolhouse: Social Studies: History: United States History
This site has many lesson plans for teachers regarding U.S. History. Each of the lessons is linked to this page and is provided in a step-by-step format of how to implement this lesson in one’s classroom.