“This experience has been very meaningful to me as a classroom teacher. My eyes have been opened-up to presenting different sides of recorded history and developing strategies to select materials that are meaningful for my students.”
Bill Robbins, Lulu Ross Elementary
- Why and how did the Article of Confederation fail?
- What necessitated the need for a new constitution?
- How did the fears of the framers of the Constitution lead to scrapping the Articles and making the new Constitution?
- Why did the colonists choose to rebel against their own government?
- Where can we find Locke’s and others’ writings in our Declaration of Independence?
- Why did Americans feel the need to break with Britain and form their own government?
- What were the reasons that led men to challenge the “Articles of Confederation”?
- How were the Articles of Confederation different than our Constitution today?
- Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?