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Professional Development For Elementary and
Middle School Teachers

  About The Grant


“This experience has been very meaningful to me as a classroom teacher.  My eyes have been opened-up to presenting different sides of recorded history and developing strategies to select materials that are meaningful for my students.” 

Bill Robbins, Lulu Ross Elementary

This website belongs to Dr. Mark Miller, a professor at the University of Delaware who specializes in immigration and migration.  He will be working with our group during the Summer Institute.  There are a variety of links to his website including his favorite/most used immigration/migration websites. 

This feature presentation links educators to primary sources from the Library of Congress' online collections. These Web resources can make history come alive for students!  This site includes various vocabulary activities (interactive games), a cookbook with recipes from around the world, and immigrant interviews.  Additional resources include:  a bibliography, teacher lessons, and related websites. 

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services provide resources for teachers and students.  These include:  symbols of immigration to America, the history of immigration to the United States, the history of the Immigration and Naturalization Services, immigration laws, coming to America, becoming Americans, famous and not so famous immigrants, and “how-to” find information on one’s own immigration background.

This website provides a wealth of information that can be used with your students.  First, it offers three different stories of immigrant children:  Li Keng Wong (China-1933); Seymour Rechtzeit (Poland-1920), and three children today from Vietnam, Kenya, and India.  Second, there is an interactive tour of Ellis Island.  Third, students are able to “publish” memories on the oral history scrapbook.  Fourth, the website has a section including graphs, charts, tables, and statistics pertaining to immigration.  Furthermore, it includes an extensive list of books to use with students from early elementary to eighth grades. 

The American Immigration Law Foundation provides an immigration curriculum project entitled:  Appreciating America’s Heritage:  Immigration Resource Guide for k-12 Educators.  This resource guide for teachers includes lesson plans and book reviews for primary, intermediate, and secondary level classrooms.  The curriculum is designed and books selected, to expose students to “immigrants” who may not be exposed directly to diverse populations.  In addition, it includes a guide for resources made available to educators including grant funding for classroom projects to a nationwide essay competition. 

Education World:  An Educator’s Best Friend has 98 resources regarding immigration.  These are links to other areas on their site and include:  WebQuests, book reviews, and a multitude of lesson ideas.  They are useful for teachers of primary and secondary students up to eighth grade.

This website sponsored by Johnstown Area Heritage Association provides a wealth of information through lessons (to use with students).   It is an “exhibit” focusing on three themes:  push and pull factors of immigration, making a life, and making a living through immigrants’ eyes.  Each theme includes:  discussion topics, primary sources, and learning activities. 

U.S. Department of State provides a very brief overview of immigration to the United States.  In addition, educational materials include:  original documents, statistics, digital images, teacher resources, and link lists.

Coming to America’s website has links to a variety of resources:  a glossary (regarding immigration terms), unit and lesson plans, a research guide to ship passengers, connections to different entry ports of the United States, among others.  

This site by a teacher, Mr. Donn, has a wealth of unit and lesson ideas.  Lessons, elementary grades to high school, focus on immigration and migration including:  coming to America, the immigrant experience, borders and identity, Angel Island, among others.

The History Channel provides information about Ellis Island including:  a time line as well as opportunities for students to interact with the website “imagining” they are immigrants.

PBS offers a variety of information under the title:  American Experience.  In the Teacher area, educators can access time lines, primary sources, and information about the many different immigrants who have come to the United States throughout our history.

African American Roots and Migrations In American History & American Communities: An On-Line Student Research Project.  This project student to form and research questions about African American migrations that will lead to spin-off research prompted by the data they gather.  Students will use the Historical On-Line Census Browser on the University of Virginia Library site to trace where African Americans lived during the period of enslavement and their subsequent migrations.

Stephanie Moore of Villa Duchesne/Oak Hill School has a website entitled:  Resources for Teaching About Immigration:  An Internet Hotlist on Immigration.  It is divided into sections:  facts, history, lessons, and literature.  Each of these sections has links to a many websites.  The information includes:  ThinkQuests, WebQuests, web pages, lesson ideas, interviews with immigrants, interactive activities to use with students, among others.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is the United Nation’s agency to help protect and advocate for refugees around the world.  This website has graphs indicating the world refugee population as well as updated information regarding these people and their plight.

ThinkQuest’s website is entitled:  Immigration:  The Living Mosaic of People, Culture, & Hope.  It is divided into sections and includes information regarding the various groups of peoples whom have immigrated to America, a time line, stories of present-day and past immigrants, as well as in-depth information about the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. 

Our Sites

This is our website!  It offers information regarding our schedule, the historians, the authors, as well as resources that are available for your use.  This includes the guiding questions and presentations for each workshop and the summer institute.  In addition, there is a list of Internet resources with explanations much like this!

This is the “sister project” of Read History.  Their website has a wide variety of links to websites regarding immigration and migration.  It is divided into categories including:  international organizations, academic treatments of migration issues, U.S. organizations, U.S. Government, and teaching resources. 








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