Reported Incidents

February 28, 2020


Incident # Time Date/Time Occurred Description Location Disposition
20-03185 0027 02/28/20 0027 Possession of Marijuana S Academy Residence Hall Administrative Sanction
20-03188 0149 02/28/20 0149 Offensive Touching/Trespass/Damaged Property University Courtyard Apartments Arrest
20-03212 1320 02/28/20 0120 Trespassing Recitation Hall Annex Pending
20-03219 1501 02/28/20 1501 MV Collision(Hit & Run) Goodstay Center Pending
20-03222 1538 02/23/20 2350-02/28/20 1535 Theft Lot #55 Pending
20-03226 1611 02/27/20 1635-1700 Theft Russell Dining Hall Pending
20-03253 2224 02/28/20 2224 Underage Consumption Independence Hall Administrative Sanction


February Calendar

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