
Robert Opila (PI) - Photovoltaics,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering |

Research interests include determining how interfaces between electrical materials control electrical properties of devices. Some current research interests include electrical conduction and charge injection in a new class of organic conductors, electron energy band alignment at junctions in new classes of photovoltaic devices, and fabrication and characterization of nano-dimensioned and molecular electronics. Our laboratory uses electron spectroscopies both at the University of Delaware and Brookhaven National Laboratories to characterize the energy levels in these devices and collaborate with a number of device fabricators. |
Suresh Advani (co-PI)-
Fuel Cells for Vehicles
Department of Mechanical Engineering |

Research interests include material process modeling, fluid, heat and mass transfer issues in manufacturing processes, interface science, rheology and transport phenomena in Fuel Cells . Our research efforts in Fuel Cells are carried out through Fuel Cell Research Laboratory in collaboration with Dr. Prasad and are focused on improving PEM Fuel cell performance by addressing issues such as water management , reactant gas transport, evaluation of permeability of gas diffusion materials, and testing of custom fuel cells We are currently fabricating a fuel cell powered transit vehicle which will be fueled by hydrogen. This vehicle will be tested and demonstrated in the State of Delaware. |
John Byrne (co-PI) - Policy,
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy |

Professor, Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental
Policy (CEEP); Ph.D.,
University of Delaware,
1980. Political economy;
sustainable development;
environmental justice;
technology, environment
and society.
Jochen A Lauterbach (co-PI)
- Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Generation
Department of Chemical Engineering |

Key research areas are the development of catalysts for the upstream hydrogen production using high-throughput catalysis, the fabrication of conducting polymer nanofilms, non-linear dynamics of catalytic reactions, and time-resolved IR spectroscopy of supported catalysts. |
Mark A. Barteau -
Hydrogen Storage
Department of Chemical Engineering |

The principal objective of our work is to demonstrate the feasibility of reversible hydrogen storage based on the catalyzed hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of a mixture of organometallic, inorganic, and organic compounds. Our aim is to develop a system that combines high storage capacity (> 7% H2 by weight) with a moderate operating temperature (30°C < T_op < 100°C) and fast hydrogen uptake/release. |
Allen Barnett - Photovoltaics,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering |

Engineering research is focused on developing very high performance, next generation photovoltaic solar cells and on the interdisciplinary basic research needs to further advance solar power. Program Manager for the $53 million Very High Efficiency Solar Cell project which is developing a 50% efficient solar cell for portable applications. Policy work is focused on further developing the value propositions for the solar electric power industry. Key projects included providing leadership for the United State's Solar Power Industry Roadmap - a national, domestic solar power plan. |
Robert Birkmire -
Institute of Energy Conversion |

Current research efforts are growth and characterization of thin film semiconductors for photovoltaic and opto-electronic devices and the relationship of the growth process to film properties and device performance. He is actively involved in developing effective mechanisms to transfer laboratory results to commercial processes with particular emphasis on implementing model-based process control schemes using advanced sensor technologies. |
Jingguang Chen - Fuel Cells,
Department of Chemical Engineering |

Synthesis and characterization of metal carbides and bimetallic alloys as novel catalytic/electrocatalytic materials for applications in environmental catalysis and fuel cells; determination of structure-property relationship on single crystal surfaces, PVD/CVD films, nanoparticles and supported catalysts. |
Thomas H. Epps, III - Polymers, Fuel Cell Membranes, and Photovoltaics
Department of Chemical Engineering |

We design novel nanostructured materials for fuel cell and lithium battery membranes as well as for flexible photovoltaic devices. We synthesize block copolymers through a range of polymerization techniques and characterize our resulting self-assembled structures, in membrane and thin film forms, through an array of techniques including: small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), mechanical spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy (AFM), among others. |
Henry R. Glyde - Hydrogen
Department of Physics and Astronomy |

Current research interests neutron scattering measurements of the structure and dynamics of gases adsorbed on nanotubes and other carbon surfaces. Also measurements of the dynamics and Bose-Einstein condensation of quantum liquids and solids confined in nanoporous media. Monte Carlo simulations of quantum systems. Condensed Matter Theory. |
James Kolodzey - Quantum
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering |

Research interests include making solar cells from silicon germanium materials for low cost and compatibility with integrated circuit technology. Exploring the influence of quantum dots to improve solar cell efficiency. Other interests include fabricating and characterizing high speed and terahertz devices. |
William R. Latham - Economics
Department of Economics |

Current research interests include econometric other simulation models of sustainable and renewable energy systems, especially at the regional level. |
Kenneth A. Lewis - Economics
Department of Economics |

Present research interest lie in Monetary Economics, Regional Econometric models and Mathematical Economics. |
Ajay K. Prasad - Fuel cells
Department of Mechanical Engineering |

Transport processes and water management in hydrogen PEM fuel cells, characterization of fuel cell components, fuel cell vehicle design, development and demonstration, direct methanol fuel cells, wind and ocean current energy, energy efficiency. |
S. Ismat Shah - Photovoltaics
Department of Material Science |

Current research interests lie in the areas of Magnetic nanoparticles, Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor, Next generation photovoltaics, Inert Gas Condensation, Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel and Energetic Condensation for the Deposition of Polycrystalline Silicon Films on Low Temperature substrates. |
Andrew V. Teplyakov
- Polymers, Education and Outreach
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry |

Research interests include: Hydrogen transfer in chemical reactions on surfaces, hydrogen behavior in this solid films, semiconductor materials for microelectronics and for solar cells, ultra-thin diffusion barrier materials, molecule corrals and nanostructured materials based on molecule corrals; modeling and understanding intrinsically disordered substrates. |
Young - Doo Wang -
Energy Policy
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy |

Research interests include economic and policy analysis of alternative energy options, socio-political impacts of energy transition, E4 impacts (energy, environment, economy and equity) of sustainable energy technologies, and econometric applications in energy policy analysis. |