This semester saw the beginnings of the IGERT Journal Club. 18 students from across the disciplines sat down to discuss research papers in an area pertaining to Solar Hydrogen and Renewable Energy. Each month, the students endeavor to sit down, over lunch, and discuss the papers in detail, enabling them to focus on the ways in which their research could relate to the article being discussed. The papers are picked by an IGERT student in their second or third year and that student then leads the discussion. Sometimes the students request that the attendees pick a particular area to focus on or bring questions to aid the development of a discussion.
The students find that being a part of this club allows them to focus on areas that are not in their own area of research and they also enjoy interacting with other members of the IGERT team, sharing ideas and knowledge. The hope is that eventually the students will be able to find ways in which they can collaborate on their own research and hopefully even publish their own papers which could be discussed!
Journal Club 1
Journal Club 2
Journal Club 3
Journal Club 4
Journal Club 5
Journal Club 6
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