Writing Assignment #1 Top Priorities Due: Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Research: The President of the United States starts a second term in office knowing he cannot be re-elected at the end of four years, which gives him a certain freedom of action in international policy. Because he doesn't have to seek votes again, he can make decisions which might not be entirely popular among American voters, but which might be effective globally. Use the internet to discover what foreign issues you think the President should be focused on in his second term, regardless of their popularity at home.
Using resources available on the Global Agenda web site, including the Foreign Affairs anthology, and other sources you find, write a 4-5 page paper outlining what you think are the top international problems facing the United States, and why the President should use his remaining time in office to help solve those problems. Limit yourself to highlighting just three issues toward which the President should apply his attention. (If you wish, you may append a brief list of other priorities you think need attention beyond your "top priorities.")
Things to remember:
You need not follow anyone's lead in selecting your topics. Don't limit yourself to those explicitly involved in this course; you might think something else is more important. And don't necessarily limit yourself to issues being highlighted by journalists, members of congress or by the White House right now.
You must cite your sources, either in the body of your paper, with footnotes, or on a bibliography page.