Novel instrumentation
The research group lays claim to development of two novel SPR devices:
- Fiber optic SPR. We are the first group to develop reliable fiber optic SPR sensors using a multimode optical fibers. We further advanced this technology to enable aqueous phase and vapor phase analyses.
SPR sensing directly on a multimode optical fiber occurs in the region just below the 'N' on the dime.
- Mid-IR SPR. While Robert Corn was the first to develop a near-IR SPR sensor, his instrumentation required sampling the being from an FT IR to perform the SPR measurements and recording the light with an external detector. We have developed a variable angle stage that fits the sample compartment of any commercially available FT IR to perform Kretschmann configuration analyses from 0.8 to 12 µ.
The near-IR / mid-IR SPR platform is ideal for characterizing nanostructure arrays and explointing the enhanced sensitivity of SPR in the IR region.