Reading Notes for Chapter 11, Head First Servlets and JSP

Table of Contents

569 Deploying your web app 586 Servlet mappings can be "fake" 599 The LOCAL and REMOTE tags are inconsistent
570 Objectives 587a Be the Container: DD servlet mappings 600 Memorizing the JNDI <env-entry> DD tag
571 The Joy of Deployment 587b Key rules about servlet mappings 601 Memorizing the <mime-mapping> DD tag
572 What goes where in a web app 588 BE the Container: Answers (from p. 587a) 602 Sharpen your pencil: Where things go
573 Sharpen your pencil: Name the directories 589a Subtle issues 603 Sharpen your pencil: Memorizing DD tags
574 Sharpen your pencil: Draw the directory and file structure 589b BE the Container (Which servlet will the Container choose?) (Answers at bottom of page 588). 604 Sharpen your pencil ANSWERS: (from p. 602)
575 Be the Container: What's wrong with this deployment? 590 Configuring welcome files in the DD 605 Sharpen your pencil ANSWERS: (from p. 603)
576 Sharpen your pencil ANSWERS (from p. 573) 591 Be the Container: Which welcome files? 606 Coffee Cram Q1, Q2, Q3
577 Sharpen your pencil ANSWERS (from p. 574) 592 Be the Container ANSWERS (from p. 591) 607 Coffee Cram Q4, Q5, Q6
578 Be the Container: ANSWERS (from p. 575) 593 How the Container chooses a welcome file 608 Coffee Cram Q7, Q8, Q9
579 What she really wants is a WAR file 594a Configuring error pages in the DD 609 Coffee Cram Q10, Q11
580 WAR files 594b You can't use <error-code> and <exception-type> together. 610 Coffee Cram Q12, Q13, Q14
581 What a deployed WAR file looks like 595a There are no Dumb Questions (about error handling) 611 Coffee Cram Answers Q1, Q2, Q3
582 Making static content and JSPs directly accessible 595b You must use the fully-qualified class name in <exception-type>! 612 Coffee Cram Answers Q4, Q5, Q6
583 There are no dumb questions (about WEB-INF and META-INF) 596 Configuring servlet initialization in the DD 613 Coffee Cram Answers Q7, Q8, Q9
584 How servlet mapping REALLY works 597 Making an XML-compliant JSP: a JSP Document 614 Coffee Cram Answers Q10, Q11
585 The ACTUAL directory structure vs. the VIRTUAL directory structure 598 Memorizing the EJB-related DD tags 615 Coffee Cram Answers Q12, Q13, Q14

p569 Deploying your web app

This chapter is all about "what goes where" in a web app. Look back at p. 73 for a moment—remember the first time you saw this big hairy directory tree? Well, by now it should be "old hat". This chapter explores that tree in all its gory detail.

Read over the intro to the chapter on p. 569 so you'll have an overview of what is coming.

p570 Objectives

Objectives 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 are important for CISC474 as well, so spend a moment to look over them, plus the coverage notes.

On the other hand, objective 6.3 (about XML syntax for JSPs) is something that is only in the book because its on the SCWCDE exam—and even the book covers the "bare minimum so you can pass the exam" on this topic. So, don't worry about it so much for CISC474. This also means that when you get to p. 597, you can start skipping a bit. (I'll remind you when we get there.)

p571 The Joy of Deployment

Three main issues to think about in this chapter

Read p. 571 and clarify these three issues in your mind before moving on.

One other issue: which parts of the whole directory tree can the client "reach down into and grab things out of directly", and which parts are "protected" (i.e. the client CANNOT get access to them directly?

p572 What goes where in a web app

As it turns out, Chapter 11 assumes you've already read Chapters 1-10. The nerve!

Here is a list of some pages that you might find it especially helpful to review at this point. I'm not guaranteeing this is a complete list. I would welcome suggestions for additional pages for this list (for journaling points.)

p573 Sharpen your pencil: Name the directories

The answer to this exercise is on p. 576. You really should try it before moving on. I did, and I found I needed to go back and review. Note my helpful list of pages to review in the reading notes for p. 572—you might find it useful.

p574 Sharpen your pencil: Draw the directory and file structure


p575 Be the Container: What's wrong with this deployment?


p576 Sharpen your pencil ANSWERS (from p. 573)


p577 Sharpen your pencil ANSWERS (from p. 574)


p578 Be the Container: ANSWERS (from p. 575)


p579 What she really wants is a WAR file


p580 WAR files


p581 What a deployed WAR file looks like


p582 Making static content and JSPs directly accessible


p583 There are no dumb questions (about WEB-INF and META-INF)


p584 How servlet mapping REALLY works


p585 The ACTUAL directory structure vs. the VIRTUAL directory structure


p586 Servlet mappings can be "fake"


p587a Be the Container: DD servlet mappings


p587b Key rules about servlet mappings


p588 BE the Container: Answers (from p. 587a)


p589a Subtle issues


p589b BE the Container (Which servlet will the Container choose?) (Answers at bottom of page 588).


p590 Configuring welcome files in the DD


p591 Be the Container: Which welcome files?


p592 Be the Container ANSWERS (from p. 591)


p593 How the Container chooses a welcome file


p594a Configuring error pages in the DD


p594b You can't use <error-code> and <exception-type> together.


p595a There are no Dumb Questions (about error handling)


p595b You must use the fully-qualified class name in <exception-type>!


p596 Configuring servlet initialization in the DD

Check both the confirmed errata and the unconfirmed errata for this page!


p597 Making an XML-compliant JSP: a JSP Document


p598 Memorizing the EJB-related DD tags


p599 The LOCAL and REMOTE tags are inconsistent


p600 Memorizing the JNDI <env-entry> DD tag


p601 Memorizing the <mime-mapping> DD tag


p602 Sharpen your pencil: Where things go


p603 Sharpen your pencil: Memorizing DD tags


p604 Sharpen your pencil ANSWERS: (from p. 602)

Check the unconfirmed errata for this page!


p605 Sharpen your pencil ANSWERS: (from p. 603)


p606 Coffee Cram Q1, Q2, Q3


p607 Coffee Cram Q4, Q5, Q6


p608 Coffee Cram Q7, Q8, Q9

Check the confirmed errata for this page!


p609 Coffee Cram Q10, Q11


p610 Coffee Cram Q12, Q13, Q14


p611 Coffee Cram Answers Q1, Q2, Q3


p612 Coffee Cram Answers Q4, Q5, Q6


p613 Coffee Cram Answers Q7, Q8, Q9


p614 Coffee Cram Answers Q10, Q11


p615 Coffee Cram Answers Q12, Q13, Q14


End of CISC474 reading notes for HFSJ, Chapter 11

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