Reading Notes for Chapter 9, Head First Servlets and JSP

Table of Contents

433 Custom tags are powerful 451 <c:import> can reach OUTSIDE the web app 470 Pay attnetion to <rtexprvalue>
434 Objectives 452 Customizing the thing you include 471 <rtexprvalue> is NOT just for EL expressions
435 EL and standard actions are limited 453 Doing the same thing with <c:param> 472 What can be in a tag body
436 Looping without scripting 454 [Bob and Kim thought bubbles] "How can you guarantee session tracking from a JSP... without using scripting?" 473 The tag handler, the TLD and the JSP
437 <c:forEach> 455 <c:url> for all your hyperlink needs 474 The taglib <uri> is just a name, not a location
438 Deconstructing <c:forEach> 456 What if the URL needs encoding? 475 The Container builds a map
439 You can even nest <c:forEach> tags 457 You do NOT want your clients to see this: 476 Four places the Container looks for TLDs
440a There are no Dumb Questions (about <c:forEach>) 458 Make your own error pages 477 When a JSP users more than one tag library
440b The "var" variable is scoped to ONLY the tag! 459 She doesn't know about the <error-page> DD tag 478 Sharpen your pencil: How the JSP, the TLD, and the bean attribute class relate
441 Doing a conditional include with <c:if> 460 Configuring error pages in the DD 479 Sharpen your pencil: ANSWERS (from p. 449)
442 But what if you need an else? 461 Error pages get an extra object: exception 480 Sharpen your pencil: ANSWERS (from p. 478)
443 The <c:if> tag won't work for this 462 The <c:catch> tag. Like try/catch... sort of. 481 Coffee Cram Q1, Q2
444 The <c:choose> tag and its partners <c:when> and <c:otherwise> 463 You can make the exception an attribute 482 Coffee Cram Q3, Q4
445 The <c:set> tag... so much cooler than <jsp:setProperty> 464 Flow control works in a <c:catch> the way it does in a try block... 483 Coffee Cram Q5, Q6
446 Using <c:set> with beans and Maps 465 What if you need a tag that's NOT in JSTL? 484 Coffee Cram Q7
447 Key points and gotchas with <c:set> 466 Using a tag library that's NOT from the JSTL 485 Coffee Cram Answers Q1, Q2
448 <c:remove> just makes sense 467 Making sense of the TLD 486 Coffee Cram Answers Q3, Q4
449 Sharpen your pencil: Test your Tag memory 468 Using the custom "advice" tag 487 Coffee Cram Answers Q5, Q6
450 With <c:import>, there are now THREE ways to include content 469 The custom tag handler 488 Coffee Cram Answers Q7

p433 Custom tags are powerful


p434 Objectives


p435 EL and standard actions are limited


p436 Looping without scripting


p437 <c:forEach>


p438 Deconstructing <c:forEach>


p439 You can even nest <c:forEach> tags


p440a There are no Dumb Questions (about <c:forEach>)


p440b The "var" variable is scoped to ONLY the tag!


p441 Doing a conditional include with <c:if>


p442 But what if you need an else?


p443 The <c:if> tag won't work for this


p444 The <c:choose> tag and its partners <c:when> and <c:otherwise>


p445 The <c:set> tag... so much cooler than <jsp:setProperty>


p446 Using <c:set> with beans and Maps


p447 Key points and gotchas with <c:set>


p448 <c:remove> just makes sense


p449 Sharpen your pencil: Test your Tag memory


p450 With <c:import>, there are now THREE ways to include content


p451 <c:import> can reach OUTSIDE the web app


p452 Customizing the thing you include


p453 Doing the same thing with <c:param>


p454 [Bob and Kim thought bubbles] "How can you guarantee session tracking from a JSP... without using scripting?"


p455 <c:url> for all your hyperlink needs


p456 What if the URL needs encoding?


p457 You do NOT want your clients to see this:


p458 Make your own error pages


p459 She doesn't know about the <error-page> DD tag


p460 Configuring error pages in the DD


p461 Error pages get an extra object: exception


p462 The <c:catch> tag. Like try/catch... sort of.


p463 You can make the exception an attribute


p464 Flow control works in a <c:catch> the way it does in a try block...


p465 What if you need a tag that's NOT in JSTL?


p466 Using a tag library that's NOT from the JSTL


p467 Making sense of the TLD


p468 Using the custom "advice" tag


p469 The custom tag handler


p470 Pay attnetion to <rtexprvalue>


p471 <rtexprvalue> is NOT just for EL expressions


p472 What can be in a tag body


p473 The tag handler, the TLD and the JSP


p474 The taglib <uri> is just a name, not a location


p475 The Container builds a map


p476 Four places the Container looks for TLDs


p477 When a JSP users more than one tag library


p478 Sharpen your pencil: How the JSP, the TLD, and the bean attribute class relate


p479 Sharpen your pencil: ANSWERS (from p. 449)


p480 Sharpen your pencil: ANSWERS (from p. 478)


p481 Coffee Cram Q1, Q2


p482 Coffee Cram Q3, Q4


p483 Coffee Cram Q5, Q6


p484 Coffee Cram Q7


p485 Coffee Cram Answers Q1, Q2


p486 Coffee Cram Answers Q3, Q4


p487 Coffee Cram Answers Q5, Q6


p488 Coffee Cram Answers Q7


End of CISC474 reading notes for HFSJ, Chapter 9

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