Reading Notes for Chapter 7, Head First Servlets and JSP

Table of Contents

279 Being a JSP 300 Be the Container answers (from p. 297) 321 But wait... there's still another JSP element we haven't seen: actions
280 Objectives 301 Code Magnet Answers (from p. 297-298) 322 Exercise: Evaluation Matrix
281 In the end, a JSP is just a servlet 302 A comment... (comments in JSPs) 323 JSP Element Magnets
282 Making a JSP that displays how many times it's been accessed 303 API for the generated servlet 324 JSP Element Magnets: the Sequel
283 She deploys and tests it 304 Lifecycle of a JSP 325 Evaluation Matrix ANSWERS
284 The JSP doesn't recognize the Counter class 305 JSP lifecycle continued... 326 JSP Element Magnets ANSWERS (from p. 323)
285 Use the page directive to import packages 306 Translation and compilation happens only ONCE 327 JSP Element Magnets: the Sequel ANSWERS (from p. 324)
286 But then Kim mentions "expressions" 307 Sharpen your pencil 328 Coffee Cram Q1, Q2
287 Expressions become the argument to an out.println 308 Initializing your JSP 329 Coffee Cram Q3, Q4
288 There are no dumb questions 309 Attributes in a JSP 330 Coffee Cram Q5, Q6, Q7
289 Kim drops the final bombshell... 310 Using PageContext for attributes 331 Coffee Cram Q8, Q9, Q10
290 Declaring a variable in a scriptlet 311 Examples using pageContext to get and set attributes 332 Coffee Cram Q11, Q12, Q13
291 What REALLY happens to your JSP code? 312 While we're on the subject... let's talk more about the three directives 333 Coffee Cram Q14, Q15
292 We need another JSP element... 313 Attributes to the page directive 334 Coffee Cram Answers Q1, Q2
293 JSP Declarations 314 Interoffice memo from the CTO (re: Java code in JSPs) 335 Coffee Cram Answers Q3, Q4
294 Time to see the REAL generated servlet 315 Scriptlets considered harmful? 336 Coffee Cram Answers Q5, Q6, Q7
295 Tomcat 5 generated class 316 There didn't used to BE an alternative 337 Coffee Cram Answers Q8, Q9, Q10
296 The out variable isn't the only implicit object... 317 EL: the answer to, well, everything 338 Coffee Cram Answers Q11, Q12, Q13
297 (Be the Container) Exercise (translating JSP code into a servlet) 318 Sneak peek at EL 339 Coffee Cram Answers Q14, Q15
298 Mock Exam Magnets: writing a JSP 319 Using <scripting-invalid>    
299 (continued from p. 298) 320 You can choose to ignore EL    

p279 Being a JSP


p280 Objectives


p281 In the end, a JSP is just a servlet


p282 Making a JSP that displays how many times it's been accessed


p283 She deploys and tests it


p284 The JSP doesn't recognize the Counter class


p285 Use the page directive to import packages


p286 But then Kim mentions "expressions"


p287 Expressions become the argument to an out.println


p288 There are no dumb questions

Check the unconfirmed errata for this page!


p289 Kim drops the final bombshell...


p290 Declaring a variable in a scriptlet


p291 What REALLY happens to your JSP code?


p292 We need another JSP element...


p293 JSP Declarations


p294 Time to see the REAL generated servlet


p295 Tomcat 5 generated class


p296 The out variable isn't the only implicit object...

Check the unconfirmed errata for this page!


p297 (Be the Container) Exercise (translating JSP code into a servlet)


p298 Mock Exam Magnets: writing a JSP


p299 (continued from p. 298)


p300 Be the Container answers (from p. 297)


p301 Code Magnet Answers (from p. 297-298)


p302 A comment... (comments in JSPs)


p303 API for the generated servlet


p304 Lifecycle of a JSP


p305 JSP lifecycle continued...


p306 Translation and compilation happens only ONCE


p307 Sharpen your pencil


p308 Initializing your JSP


p309 Attributes in a JSP


p310 Using PageContext for attributes


p311 Examples using pageContext to get and set attributes


p312 While we're on the subject... let's talk more about the three directives


p313 Attributes to the page directive


p314 Interoffice memo from the CTO (re: Java code in JSPs)


p315 Scriptlets considered harmful?


p316 There didn't used to BE an alternative


p317 EL: the answer to, well, everything


p318 Sneak peek at EL


p319 Using <scripting-invalid>


p320 You can choose to ignore EL


p321 But wait... there's still another JSP element we haven't seen: actions


p322 Exercise: Evaluation Matrix


p323 JSP Element Magnets


p324 JSP Element Magnets: the Sequel


p325 Evaluation Matrix ANSWERS

Check the unconfirmed errata for this page!


p326 JSP Element Magnets ANSWERS (from p. 323)


p327 JSP Element Magnets: the Sequel ANSWERS (from p. 324)

Check the unconfirmed errata for this page!


p328 Coffee Cram Q1, Q2


p329 Coffee Cram Q3, Q4


p330 Coffee Cram Q5, Q6, Q7


p331 Coffee Cram Q8, Q9, Q10


p332 Coffee Cram Q11, Q12, Q13


p333 Coffee Cram Q14, Q15


p334 Coffee Cram Answers Q1, Q2


p335 Coffee Cram Answers Q3, Q4


p336 Coffee Cram Answers Q5, Q6, Q7


p337 Coffee Cram Answers Q8, Q9, Q10


p338 Coffee Cram Answers Q11, Q12, Q13


p339 Coffee Cram Answers Q14, Q15



End of CISC474 reading notes for HFSJ, Chapter 7

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