CISC103, Fall 2006

lab05: validating your HTML

What we've learned so far

What's new this week

This week, you need your textbook

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1: Read over pages 223 through 242 in the textbook.

As you read, you'll learn about "validation", and why it is important.

The book walks you through

More importantly, the book explains why you want to do that.

Then, the book explains:

Since that's what you'll be doing in Steps 2, 3 and 4 of this week's lab, reading over this will be very helpful. Since the book explains what to do in great detail, I will not be providing as much detail this week in the lab file as I have in weeks past.

Step 2: Create directories for lab05, and copy your lab04 content

Step 2a: Create a "working folder" for lab05

Create a folder lab05 on the hard drive of the computer where you are working. That is where you should be editing your files this week.

If you are working in Memorial Hall 028/033, you create this folder on the "H drive", under your personal folder. If you are working on your own PC at home, create this folder under your cisc103 folder (the one where you do all your cisc103 work).

Step 2b: Copy your lab04 files into this lab05 working directory

Use the SSH Secure File Transfer program to copy your lab04 files from ~/public_html/cisc103/lab04 on the server into your lab05 working directory on your hard drive. (Here, ~ stands for your "home directory").

Step 3: Add the DOCTYPE definition into each of the "full" HTML documents in your lab05 directory

Step 3a: Make the change

In your lab05 folder, edit each of your HTML documents from lab04 (except your navigation.html file, which is not a "full" HTML document), using Notepad, Wordpad, or something equivalent.

Add the following line immediately at the top of the file, before the <html> open tag, and before any comments that may appear there:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


Step 3b: Create a lab05 directory on the server

Follow the same procedure as in previous weeks.

Step 3c: Copy the modified files from your lab05 directory on your hard drive, up to the web server on copland

Follow the same procedure as in previous weeks.

Step 3d: Verify that the DOCTYPE definitions show up in the source

Open your files in the web browser using the address

If you get a "Forbidden" error, fix it the same way we fixed this in previous labs. (Consult lab01 if you don't remember how.)

Open each file, and do a "view source". Make sure that the DOCTYPE shows up at the top of the file.

Step 4: Try validating the file

Following the instructions on p. 234 through 237 of your textbook, use the validator at to see if your HTML is valid.

Hopefully, you should get a result similar to that on p. 238... "This Page is Tentatively Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional"... something like this:

If so, continue to step 4. If instead, you get a red bar with one or more errors, like this:


Step 5: Now, add the meta tag in to get rid of the "tentative" business

Now, follow the instructions on p. 240 and 241 to add a meta tag into the <head> element of all the HTML documents on your lab05 site.

Be sure to save them to the hard disk, and then recopy them back to the web server when you are finished with your edits.

Once you have done that, try validating again. Hopefully, you now get a nice clean validation message, like the one on p. 242 (show below).

If not, check your results, and/or ask your TA for help.


That's it—you are done!

Evaluation and Grading (100 pts total)

Specifications for the lab05 web site

Grading: 50 points for correctly including DOCTYPE and <meta> in each of the HTML documents, 40 points for correct validation, 10 points for overall correct submission and following instructions.

Your next steps

If you haven't done so yet, fill out the JavaScript textbook survey on WebCT (

If you haven't done so already, read up through Chapter 6 in your Head First HTML textbook.

Also, read the JavaScript Notes from the Wiki, and pages 11-19 in the JavaScript textbook.

Copyright 2006, Phillip T. Conrad, CIS Dept., University of Delaware. Permission to copy for non-commercial, non-profit, educational purposes granted, provided appropriate credit is given; all other rights reserved.