CISC103, Fall 2006

lab03: explanding your web page
into a web site


In lab01, you learned how to create a basic .html file, and upload it on to the web server for student web pages at UD, namely In lab02, you learned how to make a basic web page, complete with headers, title, content, and some very basic CSS to give it style (e.g choosing colors for the different levels of headers, etc.)

In this lab, you'll take the web page from lab02, and turn it into a web site with

You'll learn how to:

You'll also get more practice with using

Before doing this lab, you should:

Detailed Instructions

Step 1: Use the SSH Secure File Transfer program to access

Open up the SSH Secure File Transfer program, and use the "Quick Connect" button to access your account on

Step 2: Navigate under public_html/cisc103 and create a lab03 folder

(If you need help with this step, review the instructions from step 2 of lab02).

In the right hand window (the one on

  1. First, double click to open up the public_html folder.
  2. Then double click in the cisc103 folder. You should then see your lab02.html file listed.
  3. Then, make a new folder called lab03. (The instructions from step2 of lab02 will show you where to click to do this.)
  4. Make sure your new directory lab03 is readable for web users

Step 3: Navigate on the Windows Desktop to a place where you can create HTML files

If you are in the Memorial 028/033 lab, go to the H drive, and to the folder with your name that you created in lab01.

If you are at home:

Step 4: Copy last week's lab02.html file into your new lab03 folder on the hard drive.

We now are going to copy last week's lab02.html file

To do this:


Step 5: Decide on filenames for your web site, and then rename your lab02.html page.

Before you do this, you need to decide on the names of the pages you will have on your web site. In class on 09/12, you designed a site "on the back of a napkin" with a main page, and (at least) two subpages. Now you need to give them names.

The main page should be called index.html. The names of the other two pages are up to you.

The main page will link to the subpages, and the subpages will have at least one link somewhere on them back to the main page.

Below are some examples of names. Once you've decided on the names of your three pages, you need to rename lab02.html to be whichever of the three names is most appropriate.

Web Site Topic Description Main page name First subpage Name Second Subpage Name
Hiking Trails main page links to two pages:
a page with information on trails,
and a page with hiking safety tips
index.html trails.html safety.html
Paintball Games Main page has a list of paintball games; names of individual game link to pages with rules of the game index.html captureTheFlag.html assasination.html
Fall Bash '06 main page has a list of bands that will be playing at an event index.html motionCitySountrack.html takingBackSunday.html
Snowboard Shop main page has a list of merchandise categories; each category name links to a list of specific items in that category index.html boards.html womensClothing.html

Step 6: Create the other two pages, and edit the page that you renamed.

This step is straightforward. You want to use the skills you practiced in lab01 and lab02 (editing in notepad or wordpad) to create your three web pages.

Use <a> elements with the href attribute to link the pages together. For example, consider the hiking trails example:

All of your pages should use CSS so that they have a little style—some colors and fonts would be nice. You can look ahead to later chapters in the book, and/or use the web to learn more about the various CSS properties you can use. Also,

The following web site might be particularly helpful

Once you've finished typing in the HTML, save your work, and check your documents by opening it in the web browser using "File|Open File" in Firefox, or "File|Open..." in Internet Explorer.

Step 7: Transfer this file to the web, inside the cisc103/lab03 folder, and view it on the web

Using the SSH Secure File Transfer program again do the following (consult step 6 of lab01 if you are not sure how)

Then, check that the web site is readable at the address (substituting in your username in place of username).

If it is not readable, check the properties on the folder lab03, and the files inside it, as before. The folder permissions should be 755 and the file permissions should be either 644 or 755 (either one will work.)

Also, look at how the page displays, and whether all the links work. If anything is not right, fix it.

Step 8: If you didn't already, add header comments to your file

Add a comment into all three of your HTML files similar to this one, following the opening <html> tag but before the <head> tag. Substitute your own name, date and section number, and a brief description of what your page is (mine is hiking trails, but yours could be ski resorts, pizzas, ways you can help the homeless, or whatever you chose as a topic).

After you add the comments in Wordpad or Notepad, copy the files AGAIN with the ssh secure file transfer program. Refresh your browser, and do a "view source" to make sure that the comment shows up in each file.

  <!-- index.html   John Smith for CISC103, section 011, 09/06/2006
       a page for a local hiking club  -->
    <title>Newark Hiking Club</title>

  <!-- trails.html   John Smith for CISC103, section 011, 09/06/2006
       a page of trails linked to directly from the main page -->
    <title>Newark Hiking Club--Trails</title>


Evaluation and Grading (100 pts total)

Specifications for the lab03 web site

The following applies to all HTML files:


Grading: 30 points for each of the three web pages, 10 points for general style issues and correct submission.

Your next steps

Next step: Read through Chapters 4 and 5 in your Head First HTML textbook.

As you read, consult the online reading notes

As you read, you may like to try the examples online. Send me email if I can help in any way, and cc your TA.

Copyright 2006, Phillip T. Conrad, CIS Dept., University of Delaware. Permission to copy for non-commercial, non-profit, educational purposes granted, provided appropriate credit is given; all other rights reserved.