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Online learning management has been in the mainstream of teaching and learning at UD for more than a decade. The majority of courses and faculty at UD use some aspect of online learning management to provide course content and communication with and among students, and to assess student work.
In order to continue to enhance the quality and functionality of online learning management, an evaluation committee of faculty constituted by the deans and lead jointly by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Information Technologies has been engaged in evaluation of a new product. Representatives of the Library, UD online and other administrators engaged with student learning are also members of the group.
On March 11, after review with the Provost's Executive Council, the Chairs Workshop, and the Faculty Senate, the Provost announced that the University will proceed with the implementation of Sakai, an open source learning management "tool kit" used widely in higher education and customizable to our needs.
Full implementation and migration to the Sakai learning management environment has been completed in January 2010. Our WebCT server was officially decomissioned in June 2010.
Note: Since Sakai has been selected as our next LMS, the UDLMS Project is now named the Sakai Project.