Each year, ACM/SIGUCCS
sponsors a competition to honor the best publications produced by
university and college computing centers.
All authoring team members
must be affiliated with an institution of higher education.
Every entry must be
registered separately via the Competition Registration page.
As with tradition, all
Competitions winners agree to participate in judging the following year's
All entries must be received by September 8, 2000.
First Place will be
awarded to the overall top entry in each category. However, in recognition
of the differences in resources available to small institutions versus
institutions, there will be two award levels in each category for second
and third place. Schools with less than 4,000 fulltime undergraduate
students will
compete in level 1, and those with 4,000 or more, in level 2.
All winners will be
recognized at the Competitions Award Ceremony, held on Wednesday, November
1, 2000, at this year's SIGUCCS Conference in Richmond, Virginia. (Be sure
to review the conference cost, location, and details, as everyone is
invited to attend!)
All entries will be on
display in the Documentation Room during the Conference. This gives
everyone a chance to see the new, innovative ideas that are driving higher
education technology into the 21st century.

Kerri Gibbons, College of
William and Mary
LopShun Wong, College of
William and Mary
lopshun@wm.edu |